The parent organization of our lodge, the Theosophical Society in America (TSA) has started a special monthly meditation online, on the last Friday of the month, 7-7:30 Central Time. It is open to all. For more information, please go to this link.
Events at the Lodge
TS-MD: Sunday Program, Jan. 7th, cancelled. Citywide Code Blue alert in effect
Baltimore City has extended the current Code Blue alert through Monday morning, Jan. 8th, because of “dangerously cold temperatures”. The city is encouraging residents to “stay indoors in heated areas”. Therefore the lodge has cancelled the Open Discussion program for Jan. 7th.
Please note that there is already no program scheduled for Sunday, Jan. 14th because of the Martin Luther King Holiday weekend.
We hope to see you at Library Night, on Wed. Jan. 17th, 6-8 pm; and/or Sunday, Jan. 21st, 1-3 pm for a DVD and discussion on Clairvoyance and ESP: Connecting to the Spirits.
Stay warm, and, if you can, please help others to do the same!
TS-MD: Jan-Feb 2018 Program Schedule Now Available; no Library Night Jan 3rd
Greetings and good wishes for 2018! Our bi-monthly schedule is now available to view, download and print.
Highlights include:
- 1/21, 1-3 pm – Clairvoyance and ESP: Connecting to the Spirits, a talk on DVD by Robyn Finseth from the Theosophical Society in America (TSA), discussion to follow. Well-illustrated
- 2/11, 1-3:30 pm – Lecture and Exhibit at the Walters Art Museum on Art of the Americas. (Meet at the lodge first at 1 pm.) Demonstrates how diverse cultures ( including the Wari and Nasca of Peru, the Olmec of Mexico, the Jama-Coaque of Equador) express spiritual values in their decorations on figures and vessels. No cost to attend
- 1/28 and 2/25, 1-3 pm – What Blavatsky Wrote About Egypt, Parts I and II. Her esoteric interpretations of Egypt’s place in the evolution of humanity, its myths and initiation rites, and its role in the ancient world. Continuation of our once-a-month series on Egypt in 2017-2018
- Library Nights continue on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 6-8 pm with the exception of Jan 3rd
- Open discussions on 1/7, 2/4 and 3/4
- Lodge closed for holiday weekends on 1/14 and 2/18
TS-MD: Library Night-Wed, Dec 20th, 6-8 pm; Holiday closure til Jan 7th
Library Night is an opportunity to browse the books in our esoteric library and to engage in impromptu conversations on varied topics. TS members have borrowing privileges for books and DVDs. Non-members are welcome to read in the library. Free and open to all.
After the 20th, the lodge will be closed for the holidays until Sunday, Jan 7th, 1-3 pm for an Open Discussion program. The January-February 2018 program schedule will be posted by the end of December on our website and our Facebook page.
Street parking on the 500 block of N. Charles Street is free on Sundays and after 6 pm on weekdays. We are located near the Walters Art Museum, and half a block from stop #306 on the Purple Route of the free Charm City Circulator bus.
TS-MD: Egypt Talk and Year-End Potluck this Sunday, starting at 1 pm
On December 17th, 1-2 pm, Ann Ford will give a chronological overview of Egypt’s religious history. There will be handouts. [Look for more talks on the esoteric aspects of Egyptian religion in 2018.]
Immediately following the talk, there will a festive get-together – decorating the lodge and a potluck lunch for current and past friends of our lodge. This is a free event.
The next Sunday program will be an Open Discussion on January 7th, 2018.
TS-MD: The Ninth Planet, Sunday Dec 10th, 1-3 pm, a talk by Leonard Jackson, Jr.
Mr Jackson will compare current scientific knowledge about the Ninth Planet, to ideas from interpretations of cuneiform and Biblical texts. CalTech astronomers reported in January 2016 that observations of Kuiper Belt objects at the edge of our solar system could indicate the existence of a new planet. Is this Ninth Planet the same as the one Zecharia Sitchin wrote about in The 12th Planet?
The program is free and open to all.
TS-MD: Library Night, Dec 6th, has been cancelled. Dec 20th Library Night not affected
We regret any inconvenience the cancellation may cause.
TS-MD: Open Discussion tomorrow, 12/3 and Library Night on Wed, 12/6
Both these gatherings are free and open to all. Our Sunday program is 1-3 pm, and Wednesday’s is 6-8 pm. See our schedule for more information about them.
Parking is free on our block of 100 N Charles St on Sundays and weekdays after 6 pm, just south of the Walters Art Museum and the Washington Monument. We are also half a block from the Circulator’s Hamilton Street stop.
TS-MD: Reminder- No program this Sunday. Dec 3-Open Discussion. Dec 10-The 9th Planet
We wish you a good holiday weekend. Join us for our Sunday programs which resume in December: 1-3 pm, free, open to all.
- Open Discussion – You can come ready to speak for 3-5 minutes about a book, article, movie, etc. that touches on one of the Theosophical Society’s three objects (see our website’s home page or our program schedule), then we open the floor to everyone’s respectful observations. Or simply come to listen, comment and learn
- Library Night, Wednesday. Dec 6th, 6-8 pm – our esoteric library is open for browsing and impromptu discussions (1st and 3rd Wednesdays in a month, unless noted)
- The Ninth Planet – a talk by past-president Leonard Jackson Jr., a scientific and Theosophical examination of the possible discovery of a 9th planet and what it means to the future of humanity
On-street parking on our block of 500 N Charles St is free on Sundays, and weekday evenings after 6. We are also on the Charles St Circulator route.
TS-MD: Sunday, Nov 19th-Energetics & Ancient Egypt, 2-5 pm
In a program entitled “Ancient Egyptian Qigong and the Emerald Tablets“, Dr. Frankie Hutton will give an introductory talk, with demonstrations, delving into the wonders of energetics, polarity balancing, and the initiation rites of Ancient Egypt, all from an esoteric viewpoint.
This program is free and open to all. Please note the new time – 2-5 pm.
Dr. Hutton bases her talk on numerous sources, including exhibits from the Egyptian wing of the Metropolitan Museum; the written works of clairvoyants such as Quitt and Leadbeater; the Emerald Tablets; and her own intuitive understanding. She has witnessed through her world-wide travels that the practices of Ancient Egypt have found their way around the globe, and in varying forms have been, and are, practiced by the Chinese, Japanese and others.
Dr. Hutton is a knowledgeable and inspiring speaker. Her recent talks at the Maryland lodge have been on “The Power of the Pyramids”, and the Rose Project which she founded.
TS-MD: “Who is this ‘I’?”, Nov 12th, 1-3 pm with Caty Green
Ms Green will speak about new ways of understanding our reality after we “get out of the prison of the intellect”, and what that means for our sense of self.
Ms Green is a long-time Theosophist, who has studied at the Theosophical Society’s international headquarters at Adyar.
The talk is free and open to all.
[contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Website” type=”url” /][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea” /][/contact-form] [contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Website” type=”url” /][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea” /][/contact-form]
TS-MD: Save the date! Sunday, Nov 19th, 2-5 pm
One of the most knowledgeable and inspiring speakers to come to our lodge, Dr. Frankie Hutton, will give a program that day on the wonders of energetics, polarity balancing and protection, as well as the initiation rites of ancient Egypt.
This introductory talk, with demonstrations, will be based on numerous sources, including exhibits from the Egyptian wing of the Metropolitan Museum; the written works of clairvoyants such as Quitt and Leadbeater; also the Emerald Tablet, and Frankie’s own intuitive understanding. The program is titled: Ancient Egyptian Qigong and the Emerald Tablets.
Frankie previously gave a talk at our lodge on the pyramids, as well as several programs centered on The Rose Project.
As always, our Sunday program is free and open to all.
TS-MD: Nov-Dec 2017 Program Schedule Now Available
- Dr. Frankie Hutton’s talk on “Ancient Egyptian Qigong and the Emerald Tablet” on Nov 19th. For this one Sunday only, the program time is 2-5 pm
- “The Ninth Planet”, a talk by Leonard Jackson, Jr on Dec 10th, 1-3 pm
- “Ancient Egypt’s Religious History” with Ann Ford, Dec 17th, 1-3 pm
- Caty Green’s talk on incarnation – “What is this ‘I’?”, Nov 12th, 1-3 pm
The schedule file is available for printing or download at our website. All programs are free and open to all. (Donations thankfully accepted but not required.)
TS-MD: Sunday, Oct 29, 1-3 pm-Intro to Egyptian Mythology & Hieroglyphs
Join us for the first in a series of once-a-month programs on Egypt. The first half of this program is an introduction to Egyptian gods and goddesses from the Teaching Company’s course on Ancient Egypt. The second half has been changed since the program schedule was written. In place of hands-on activities led by Carole J. Pressnall, M.F.A., participants will have all the resources they need to write their names (and other’s) in Egyptian hieroglyphs. All materials are supplied free.
The second program in the series will be on November 19th, Frankie Hutton’s “Introduction to Ancient Egyptian Qigong and the Emerald Tablets”. Please note: it will be given from 2-5 pm, a change from our regular program times.
All programs at our lodge are free (unless noted) and open to all.
TS-MD: TS at the Movies-The Razor’s Edge, Sunday, Oct 22, 1-3 pm
Come join us to watch and then discuss the award-winning 1946 classic film, The Razor’s Edge, based on the novel by W. Somerset Maugham. It stars Tyrone Power as an American fighter pilot in World War I who experienced a traumatic event that later caused him to leave his comfortable life after the war, and search world-wide for true meaning. How did he change? How do his loved ones and friends react to what he learned in India?
This program is free and open to all.
TS-MD: No Program on Sunday, Oct 8 – a holiday weekend
Programs resume on Sunday, Oct 15th, 1-3 pm with a talk on the book by I. K. Taimni –Principles of Theosophical Work. He calls on theosophists to deeply study theosophical literature on the Ancient Wisdom, and to develop their inner spiritual life. “The Divine Architect uses the whole of the manifested universe for the working out of his Plan” and the Society is one small part of that Plan. Many thanks to our member, Caty Green, for suggesting this topic.
TS in MD programs are free and open to the public. Free-will donations are gratefully accepted.
TS-MD: Open Discussion 10/1, 1-3pm; Library Night 10/4, 6-8 pm

from the Walters Collection, detail of 1752 depiction of Lutheran orb and cross composed entirely of microscopic hand-lettered prayers
Join others interested in the universal brotherhood of humanity, and/or the study of religion, philosophy and science, for an Open Discussion Sunday, 10/1. We ask you to describe for five minutes any book, article, movie, painting, etc. that touches on one of those topics. Then others discuss it respectfully, each from their own knowledge and experiences. Free and open to all.
One contribution in a recent Open Discussion was mention of a small exhibit at the Walters Art Museum, open through Oct 29. During the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, this exhibit “focuses on ways in which Martin Luther… comforted the distressed souls of his contemporaries by approaching them as a compassionate friend rather than as a priest or theologian.” – Uncertain Times: Martin Luther’s Remedies for the Soul
The following Wednesday evening is Library Night 10/4 – an opportunity to browse the books in our esoteric library and to engage in impromptu conversations on varied topics. TS members have borrowing privileges for books and DVDs. Non-members are welcome to read in the library. Free and open to all.
Street parking on the 500 block of N. Charles Street is free on Sundays, and after 6 pm on weekdays. We are located near the Walters Art Museum, and half a block from stop #306 on the Purple Route of the free Charm City Circulator bus.
TS-MD: More Information on Gurdjieff
In conjunction with Kimberly Sheridan’s program on Gurdjieff, September 24, 2017, here are more links if you are interested in learning more about his life and teachings:
TS-MD: A Program about Gurdjieff, Sunday, Sept 24th, 1-3 pm
Please join us for a program on G.I. Gurdjieff (1866?-1949), the influential early 20th-century mystic, philosopher and spiritual teacher, who taught ways to achieve full human potential. Kimberly Sheridan will show a documentary film that traces Gurdjieff’s life, and then share what she learned in Sweden this past summer at an international Gurdjieff conference. For more information about Gurdjieff’s ideas the YouTube video, The Master and the Carriage, will be helpful.
As always, the Sunday program at our lodge is free and open to all. (Donations gratefully accepted).
TS-MD: Library Night today, 6-8pm; Gurdjieff Program, Sunday 1-3pm
Library Night on Wednesday, 9/20, 6-8 pm: Browse our esoteric library. Join in ad hoc discussions on many kinds of topics
Kimberly Sheridan presents a documentary on Gurdjieff this Sunday, 9/24, 1-3 pm and talks about her experiences in Sweden at the international conference this summer
Both programs are free and open to all. Parking on the 500 block of N Charles is free after 6 pm, and all day Sunday.
TS-MD: This Sunday, 9/17-Empaths’ Survival Guide, Pt II; 1-3 pm
Presenting ideas from the book by Dr Judith Orloff, MD for exceptional highly sensitive people, Ann Ford will review Part I (types of empaths, addictions, narcissists and other “energy vampires”, protection strategies) and give new information on love relationships, parenting empath children, empaths at work, and intuition. For example, what does Dr Orloff mean when she says that for empaths, they may need to redefine what “being a couple” is?
The program is free and open to all.
TS-MD: Library Night this Wed, 9/6; Open Discussion-Sun 9/10, 1-3 pm
Our lodge resumes our full schedule of programs and events this week, after a late summer break. All our programs are free (unless noted), and open to all.
- Library Night on Wednesday, 9/6, 6-8 pm: Browse our esoteric library. Join in ad hoc discussions on many kinds of topics
- Open Discussion on Sunday, 9/10, 1-3 pm: Share about a book, movie or article that touches on universal brotherhood, religion, philosophy, science, laws of nature or the powers latent in humanity
You can view, download and/or print the Sept-Oct 2017 Schedule as a pdf file from our website
TS-MD: Sept-Oct 2017 Program Schedule Now Available
Highlights for the next two months include:
- 9/3 – No program on the Labor Day holiday weekend
- 9/17 – The Empaths’ Survival Guide by Dr Orloff, MD, Part II
- 9/24 – A program on Gurdjieff with notes from this year’s International Conference in Sweden
- 10/22 – TS at the Movies: The Razor’s Edge (1946) to view and discuss
- 10/29 – An Egyptian-themed party just in time for Halloween – with an introduction to Egyptian gods and goddesses, hands-on creative activities, and “mummy” food!
You can view, download and/or print the pdf file from our website
TS-MD: Sunday, 8/20, 1-3 pm-Mandalas: Understanding and Creating Them…C.J. Pressnall, M.F.A.
“In Sanskrit, ‘mandala’ means both circle and centre, implying that it represents both the visible world outside of us (the circle) and the invisible one deep inside our minds and bodies (the centre).” [Making Mandalas for Harmony and Healing, Laura J. Watts]
Many religious and cultural traditions throughout history have developed their own symbols and visual images to use in mandalas, including the Taoist yin-yang symbol and the Tibetan Buddhist sand mandalas.
Carole J. Pressnall will give examples and help you create your own mandala.
This program is free and open to all. All materials will be supplied.
TS-MD: Wed, Aug 16 – Library Night, 6-8 pm
Join us for impromptu conversations on metaphysical subjects, and/or browse our esoteric library. TS members have borrowing privileges for our books and videos.
This is a free activity at our lodge. Parking on our block of N. Charles St is free after 6 pm. All are welcome.
Library Night is held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month.
Look for a new and exciting change to Library Night, coming this Fall!
TS-MD: Wed 8/2-Library Night; Sun 8/6-Book Discussion
You are welcome to attend these upcoming events at our lodge. Both are free and open to all. Street parking on our block of N. Charles St is free for the events (Wed after 6 pm, all day Sunday). Also served by the free Purple Route of the Charm City Circulator bus.
- Wednesday, 6-8 pm: Library Night. Browse our extensive esoteric library, read on-site, and/or engage in impromptu conversations on a variety of topics.
- Sunday, 1-3 pm: Open Book Discussion of Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy (1995, 2008) by Sarah Ban Breathnach. This book of 366 short essays ”shows you how your daily life can be an expression of your authentic self . . .”. Although aimed at women, everyone can find inspiration in it. What do you think of this book? What ideas have you learned from it? If you can’t find the book, check out her official website, her Facebook page, or her Joyful Simplicities website
TS-MD: “End Times” Discussion, Sunday July 23rd, 1-3 pm
What do the terms “end times”, “end of days”, “Apocalypse”, “kali yuga” mean? Which religions and cultures use these and other terms? We will start with an overview, then delve into greater detail about – Buddhism, the prophecies of Edgar Cayce, and several other traditions. There will plenty of time for respectful, open discussion. Free and open to the public.
TS-MD: Events through July 31st. Free and open to all
- No program on Sunday, 7/16
- Wednesday, July 19, 6-8 pm: Library Night. Our esoteric library will be open for browsing and on-site reading. Or enjoy impromptu conversations at our round table. TS members can check out books and DVDs. Parking on our block of Charles St is free after 6 pm. A stop for the Circulator is half a block away
- Sunday, July 23, 1-3 pm: “End Times” – a panel discussion. Includes an overview of what that and similar terms mean in different religious and metaphysical traditions, followed by short presentations and open discussion
- Wednesday, July 26 – no Library Night
TS-MD: Poems of Rumi, an open discussion. Sunday, 7/9, 1-3 pm
All are welcome to join an informal discussion of the poetry of the renowned 13th century Persian poet, Rumi. Which poems resonate deeply with you? Why? What about his poems appeals to you?
Bring your favorite translation, or read online (note: these are older translations) – the Masnavi (a collection of stories and poetry), or selected poetry
This program is free and open to all.
Jalálu’d-dín Rumi (1207-1273) was not only a Persian poet, but an Islamic scholar, theologian, jurist and Sufi mystic.
TS-MD: July-August 2017 Program Schedule Now Available
Our summer program schedule has just two Sunday programs each for July and August, to give the volunteers who plan and create our talks a well-deserved break. The program times remain from 1 to 3 pm. [Click on the link above to download or print the schedule.]
We are experimenting with a “book discussion” format for the first program in each month -7/9: the Poems of Rumi; 8/6: Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach. Look for more information on our website and Facebook page closer to the date of each discussion.
7/23 will be a discussion on “End Times” and what that phrase means in different religious and metaphysical traditions. On 8/20- come and learn what a mandala is, see samples and make one of your own with Carole Pressnall.
Library Nights continue on the first and third Wednesday evenings, from 6-8 pm, except for July 5th.
All programs and Library Nights continue to be free and open to all. Don’t neglect your spirit while your body relaxes this summer!
TS-MD: No Program on Sunday, 7/2; No Library Night, 7/5
TS-MD Reminder: Hands on Healing Pt II – Sunday, 6/25, 1-3 pm
Energetic and practical ways to keep from getting sick or hurt, and to heal ourselves if we do – this talk is free and open to all.
Carole Pressnall will review hands-on healing, then discuss: emotions and disease, shamanic healing, chakra care, visualization as well as tapping, magnets, eucalyptus+camphor+menthol, and several other techniques. She has summarized her extensive research and personal experiences in handouts for each participant.
TS-MD: Sunday, 6/25-Hands on Healing, Part II, 1-3 pm
Carole Pressnall, M.F.A. will present a relaxed hands-on workshop to both prevent illness and to heal. First, she will review the hands-on vibrational healing techniques she demonstrated in Part I, then follow up with unconventional healing methods: magnets, Edgar Cayce’s castor oil packs, hot and cold gel packs, acupressure, neti pots, prayers and visualization, attitude and belief in yourself. Ms Pressnall has prepared multiple free handouts with healing hints for participants. This program is free and open to all.
TS-MD: this Sunday, 6/18-The Empath’s Survival Guide, 1-3 pm
We will have a program on this 2017 book by Dr Judith Orloff, MD, a psychotherapist who is an empath herself and has been counseling empaths for over 20 years. Subtitled “Life’s Strategies for Sensitive People”, she gives hope to those who “actually sense other people’s emotions, energy, and physical symptoms in their own bodies, without the usual filters that most people have.” Empaths can suffer physically and emotionally from negative energies; are prone to addictions; and are vulnerable to narcissists and other “energy vampires” – unless they follow self-care strategies like those Dr Orloff describes.
This program with handouts by Ann Ford is free and open to all.
TS-MD: Tonight, Library Night 6-8 pm; Sunday-Open Discussion
Today, 6/7, from 6-8 pm, join us for impromptu discussions, or to read books from our large esoteric library. On Sunday, 6/11, from 1-3 pm, we have our monthly Open Discussion session. Both events are free and open to all. Parking is free on our block of N. Charles St on weekdays after 6 pm, and all day on Sundays.
For full descriptions of Library Night and Open Discussion, see our current program schedule.
TS-MD: This Sunday, June 4th-Yoga and Pantanjali’s Yoga Sutras
The talk will be from 1-3 pm, is free and open to all. Our speaker, Mr. U. S. Pandey, a Theosophist visiting from India, describes his talk this way:
The philosophy of yoga deals with some of the greatest mysteries of life and the Universe.
The most important purpose of life is to become integrated and whole in our thought, feelings and emotions and to align these with our higher Self. Yoga provides a scientific way to attain this wholeness. Patanjali, the great sage of ancient India, compiled the process of practicing yoga in the form of sutras or aphorisms. These sutras describe eight-limbed yoga which is also called Raj-Yoga. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras stand out as the most authoritative and useful.
In the talk the concept of Yoga in general and some Yoga-Sutras will be covered.
Mr. Pandey is a life member of the Theosophical Society in India, and has studied at the School of Wisdom at the society’s international headquarters at Adyar (Chennai). He has given talks in Australia, Singapore, Pakistan, Indonesia and the US. With others, he conducts camps in India for Integrated Development of children and youth.
TS-MD: no Program May 28th; Yoga and Yoga Sutras- June 4th
There will be no program this Sunday but mark your calendar for June 4th, 1-3 pm, when our guest speaker from India, Mr. U.S. Pandey, will explain what the term “philosophy of yoga” really means and highlight some of the sutras by Pantanjali. As always, his talk is free and open to all.
TS-MD: Sunday Programs, 1-3 pm-Avatar on 5/21, Yoga Sutras on 6/4
All our programs are free and open to all!
May 21st is TS at the Movies: Avatar (2009). We will watch the movie and discuss its theosophical ideas. Popcorn provided
May 28th – no program, Memorial Day weekend
June 4th- Yoga and Pantanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the second presentation by Mr. U. S. Pandey, a Theosophist visiting from India
TS-MD: “Ageless Wisdom”, talk by U.S. Pandey on Sunday, May 14th, 1-3pm
Mr. Pandey, a Theosophist visiting from India, will speak on Ageless Wisdom, also called Ancient Wisdom or Perennial Wisdom/Philosophy. His talk is free and open to all.
Ageless Wisdom gives basic knowledge about the human constitution, the purpose of life, evolution, how to expedite evolution, the process of death and after-death states, the purpose of reincarnation, yoga/meditation/prayer, God and life, sleep and dreams, how to live life in light of this wisdom, etc.
It helps men and women to know themselves, and take their life in their hands – helping their own evolution, as well as the evolution of entire humanity.
Mr. Pandey is a life-long Theosophist. He has given talks in Australia, Singapore, Pakistan, Indonesia and the United States. He is currently Secretary of the Uttar Pradesh Federation of the Indian Theosophical Society, and also directs study camps for the Integrated Development of children.
TS-MD: May 7th-Open Discussion; May 14th-Ageless Wisdom/special speaker
All our regular programs are free and open to all. This Sunday, May 7th, 1-3 pm, join us for our monthly Open Discussion. For a description, see our program schedule
Next Sunday, May 14th 1-3 pm, a lifelong Theosophist from India, Mr. U.S. Pandey, will speak on Ageless Wisdom – “which embodies both a world view and a vision of human self-transformation” (from the Theosophical Worldview Statement, 1982).
At the start of the May 7th program, there will be a short set of White Lotus Day readings in honor of one of the co-founders of TS, Helena P. Blavatsky, and a completely voluntary collection to be donated to a local charity (TBD). Last year the collection went to Beans and Bread.
TS-MD: May-June Program Schedule Available Now
You can download or print the new schedule from our website. All events are free and open to all. Sunday highlights, 1-3 pm, include:
- two talks by the visiting Theosophist from India, Mr. U. S. Pandey. He will speak on May 14th on “Ageless Wisdom”, and on June 4th on “Yoga Sutras” by Pantanjali
- “Hands on Healing, Part II” by Carole J. Pressnall, M.F.A., June 25th
- “The Empath’s Survival Guide by Judith Orloff, MD”, a talk on the book by Ann Ford, June 18th
- the movie Avatar – view and discuss it at the latest in our Theosophy at the Movies series, May 21st
- Open Discussions on May 7th and June 11th
Library Nights continue on the first and third Wednesdays of the month, from 6-8 pm: May 3rd and 17th; June 7th and 21st. Many thanks to our volunteers – the speakers at our Sunday programs, and the dedicated pair who open up our lodge’s esoteric library for discussions and browsing.
TS-MD: Metaphysical Teachings of Scientology – this Sunday, 4/30/17
Ann Ford will take an objective look at what Scientology teaches about human nature and how we can heal; about God and the world. Her sources will be the writings of L. Ron Hubbard, the church’s founder, and current online materials from the church. This program, 1-3 pm, is free and open to all.
On February 19th in our lodge, we showed “Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief (2015)”, a documentary that included church teachings, but was very critical of practices against members and the inner workings of the Church of Scientology. This talk will concentrate only on the basic tenets of Scientology.
TS-MD: Magick Videos by Robert Randle – Topics Covered
Mr Randle’s free, online videos are available on YouTube. Magick 101 – Introduction to the Fundamentals is a 4-part presentation, with audio from his talk, paired with arresting graphics to illustrate the many topics he covered: Qabbalah‘s Tree of Life; the 7 Hermetic Principles; the difference between white, grey and black magick; Astrology; the Tarot; Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey, and many more. Magick 102 – Continuing the Fundamentals, in 9 shorter parts, completes his analysis of the Tree of Life, with video of Mr Randle as he gave his talk.
This Sunday, April 23rd, Mr Randle will finish his current Magick series with Magick 201- Crafting Items for Spellwork. This talk is free and open to all, at the TS-MD lodge, 523 N Charles St, 2nd floor, above the Grimaldi Gallery, half a block from the Walters Museum.
TS-MD: Introduction to Magick Videos Now Available on YouTube
Robert Randle is the speaker for this Sunday’s program, Magick 201-Crafting Items for Spellwork. He has created free online video versions of his previous two talks at our lodge –
Magick 101- Introduction to the Fundamentals
Magick 102- Continuing the Fundamentals
To view these multi-part videos, go to the YouTube playlist
His April 23rd program, 1-3 pm, is a hands-on workshop that is free and open to all, even if you did not attend the earlier talks.
TS-MD: Sunday, April 23rd, 1-3 pm: Magick-Crafting Items for Spellwork
What’s the deal with sigils? What is the point of candle magick? Why do some spell-casters have a dagger, wand, cup, and pentacle on their altars? What’s the difference between the magickal operations of Divination, Enchantment, Sorcery, The Double, and Transmogrification? Robert Randle will answer all this and more … and not just concerning which types of magickal operations are likely to have the most success for you… but some of the theories behind why they work! This Magick 201 class will culminate with group work involving each participant’s choice of performing a guided sigil and/or candle magick operation. Group participation in the ritual portion of this class is encouraged, but not required.
This talk is free and open to all.
Mr Randle describes himself: “Art (or the process of trying to create art) has been huge pursuit of mine for as far back as my memories go, as has a fascination with religion, philosophy, fantasy, and the occult. I wanted to know what was forbidden, because I always wanted to know the full picture so I could know what was actually True.” To learn more about him, his ideas and creations, and the Temple of the Western Gate, go to his website.
Watch for a follow-up post with links to two vide0s Robert Randle produced and will make available free online – Magick 101- Introduction to the Fundamentals and Magick 102- Continuing the Fundamentals.
TS-MD: Next Events-4/19, Library Night; 4/23-Magickal Items for Spellwork
Our lodge will be closed this coming Sunday, 4/16 (Easter).
Our next event will be the 3rd Wednesday’s Library Night, 4/19, 6-8 pm – an opportunity for free-wheeling conversation and browsing our library of esoteric books.
The following Sunday, 4/23, 1-3 pm will be a program by Rob Randle on Magick – Crafting Items for Spellwork. It’s one of some occasional talks by him on Magick and other topics. To learn more about Mr Randle please visit his website
All events are free and open to all!
TS-MD: Annual Clean-Up, Sunday 4/9, 1-3 pm (early birds at 11am)
Last year we brought back a tradition – volunteers coming once a year to sweep, mop, dust, clean and organize. The lodge will be open at 11 am for those who want to start early. Leave when you need to. Refreshments and all supplies provided.
It’s a great way to contribute and we are very grateful for your help. What a big difference working together can make!
TS-MD: April Highlights
Join us on Sundays in April (1-3 pm), and the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays (6-8 pm). All events are free and open to all! Find more detailed information in our online March-April 2017 schedule and on our website and Facebook page closer to the date of the event.
April 2nd- Open Discussion. Bring information about an article, book, film or location that touches on humanity and its future, religion, philosophy, science, latent powers, etc. and we all will discuss it
April 5th- Library Night. For impromptu discussions, and browsing our esoteric library
April 9th- Annual Spring Clean-up at the lodge. Mops and dust cloths provided!
April 16th- No program. Easter holiday
April 19th- Library Night.
April 23rd- Magick 201-Crafting Items for Spellwork with Robert Randle. See his website
April 30th- The Metaphysical Teachings of Scientology. As a follow-up to the critical documentary “Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief” (2015) shown at the lodge on Feb. 19th, we will take a deeper and more objective look at the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard
TS-MD: Sunday, March 26th, Esoteric Christianity- Part III, 1-3 pm
This is the third and last talk by Ann Ford, on the Theosophical classic, Esoteric Christianity by Annie Besant (1847-1933).
Ms Besant interpreted the New Testament in light of the Ancient Wisdom tradition, whose truths are common to religions around the world. This last presentation will cover the nature of mankind (the Human Constitution), the Trinity, prayer, the sacraments and Revelation.
Ms Ford will distribute a handout that summarizes the two previous talks. This program is free and open to all.
TS-MD: Sunday, 3/19, 1-3 pm-America and Americans: Then, Now, Tomorrow
Join us to hear Leonard Jackson Jr, past president of the TS in MD, explain our country’s esoteric past, present and predictions for the future. This is part II of a 3-part series, formerly titled: “A Theosophical View of America’s Destiny”. Mr Jackson will give a recap of part I.
The talk is free and open to the public.
TS-MD: Reminders for March 12th, 15th and 19th
There will be no program this Sunday, March 12th because getting to the lodge and parking will be difficult. The St Patrick’s Parade starts a block away at 2pm at the Washington Monument, and proceeds south on Charles Street, to “celebrate Irish culture, music, song, and dance.” Enjoy!
This coming Wednesday evening, March 15th, is the third Wednesday of the month for Library Night. Our library is open for browsing and interesting discussions from 6-8 pm. Free and open to all. Parking on our block is free after 6 pm.
On Sunday, March 19th, 1-3 pm, our programs resume with Leonard Jackson Jr’s talk – A Theosophical View of America’s Destiny, Part II. He will continue to explore the esoteric events surrounding the founding and early days of the United States. There will be a recap of Part I for those who could not attend his earlier talk.
All programs at our center are free and open to the public.
TS-MD: Sunday, March 5th- Open Discussion; No Program on March 12th
Join us for Open Discussion from 1-3 pm at our lodge at 123 N Charles St, second floor – a block from the Washington Monument. This is free and open to all. Anyone coming can talk for five minutes about a book, article or movie that brings up an issue that ties into the Theosophical Society’s three objects – the universal brotherhood of humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or color; the study of religion, philosophy and science; investigating the unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in humanity. Then we open the floor for a limited length of time to respectful discussion of the issue, with others at the table speaking from their own knowledge and experiences.
Because the St Patrick’s Parade on Sunday, March 12th, follows Charles St south from the Washington Monument, and makes parking in our area difficult, our lodge will be closed. Programs resume on the 19th, with A Theosophical View of America’s Destiny, Part II by Leonard Jackson Jr.
TS-MD: March-April 2017 Program Schedule now available
Please check the following link to view, download or print our March-April 2017 Schedule. Highlights include:
- Part II of the talk on America’s special (and secret) destiny
- magickal accoutrements for spellwork
- the metaphysical teachings of Scientology
- our Annual Spring Clean-Up, and
- the final discussion on Esoteric Christianity
Also note that the Library Night schedule has changed to twice a month.
TS-MD: Magick 101- Introduction to the Fundamentals, cont.
Robert Randle continues his lecture series as he leads participants on a conceptual journey continuing further “down” the Tree of Life. Come learn some of the basic concepts of magickal theory and practice, and how you can apply those principles to your own life… to begin performing your own magick today! This program is free and open to all.
Topics will cover (and correlate) such concepts as Qabbalah, the Five Elements, the Planets and Zodiac, the Chakras, the Alphabet of Desire, the Holy Guardian Angel (HGA), the Unconscious Mind, the Seven Hermetic Principles, the real difference between Black and White Magick, and much more.
The class will culminate with applying all this knowledge to performing what is often considered the most fundamentally important first ritual for a magician to learn, the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP). Group participation in the ritual portion of this class is encouraged, but not required.
Videos of the first lecture in “Magick 101”, on Jan. 22nd, are available on YouTube.
TS-MD: Wed., Feb 22nd-Library Night, 6-8 pm
Our esoteric library will be open for browsing. A member of our lodge will be available to answer questions. We have comfortable chairs in our middle room for those who just want to read, and a large table and chairs in the front room for those who like to engage in impromptu conversation. Theosophical Society members can check out books.
This activity is free and open to all. Parking is free after 6pm on our block of N. Charles Street. We are located at 523 N. Charles, on the 2nd floor above the Grimaldi Gallery – half a block south of the Walters Museum, one block south of the Washington Monument, in the Mt Vernon district.
TS-MD: Scientology on Feb 19th; Magick 101 (Part II) on Feb 26th
Both Sunday programs are 1-3 pm. Both are free and open to all!
Feb 19th-View and discuss the Emmy award-winning documentary Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief (2015) by Alex Gibney. It “touches on a wide range of aspects of the church from its origin, to an intimate portrait of the Church’s founder L. Ron Hubbard, to its recruiting practices, to present day practices by church officials”, including in-depth interviews with 8 former leaders in Sea Org. (We will explore Scientology’s metaphysical teachings in April, date TBD.)
Feb 26th – Magick 101 – An Introduction to the Fundamentals, Part II by Rob Randle. Rob introduced us to the Qabbalah’s Tree of Life in Part I, linking it to the Hermetic Principles, the planets and zodiacal signs. In Part II he will do a short review of the meanings of the first three Sephiroth in the Tree, then explain the remaining Sephiroth. Videos of Part I are available on YouTube. He also has an online blog.
TS-MD: Revised schedule now posted. Program change for Sunday, Feb. 26th
Robert Randle will be presenting Part II of his lecture series: Magick 102 – Continuing the Fundamentals on Feb. 26th. His talk Magick 201 – Magickal Accoutrements: Crafting Items for Spellwork has been rescheduled for April (date TBA).
In Part I: Magick 101, Rob introduced us to the Tree of Life from the Qabbalah and explained some meanings of the first three Sephiroth (Kether, Chokmah, and Binah), with links to the Hermetic Principles, as well as the planets and zodiacal signs. Part II will begin with a short review and then continue further down the Tree of Life.
Videos of Part I are available at
TS-MD: Open Discussion on Sunday Feb 5th; Other February Topics
This Sunday, 1-3 pm, contribute (or just listen) to a round table discussion on topics suggested by those who attend. Bring a book, article, movie review, etc. on subjects ranging from the metaphysical to the physical, from myth to reality. Every Sunday lodge program is free, and all are welcome!
Future topics for our Sunday programs in February are:
- The deep truths in Christianity incorporating the Ancient Wisdom- Part II of Annie Besant’s Esoteric Christianity, with a review of Part I, on Feb 12th with Ann Ford
- The nature of Scientology – the documentary “Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief” (2015) followed by discussion, on Feb 19th
- Part II of Magick 101, Introduction to the Fundamentals, with Robert Randle on Feb 26th – a continuation of his January talk. He will do a short review of Part I. Originally “Magickal Accoutrements” was scheduled for this date. It will appear in the March-April schedule.
TS-MD: Esoteric Christianity – Part I, this Sunday, 1/29/2017, 1-3 pm
Annie Besant wrote this Theosophical classic, explaining the “Mysteries of Jesus” with references to the New Testament and Christian writers from the 1st Century AD. We find in Mark 4:10-12 –
And when he was alone, those around him with the twelve asked him about the parables. And he said to them, ‘To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside everything is in parables, so that ‘they may indeed see but not perceive…’ ‘
Besant gives keys to interpreting Gospel passages that otherwise seem obscure, confusing or even harsh.
This talk gives highlights from the book, and Part II follows on Feb 12th. Free and Open to All.
TS-MD: Library Night, Wed 1/25; Esoteric Christianity on Sunday, 1/29
Both activities are free and open to all!
Wednesday, 6-8 pm – Come browse our eclectic library, or join in casual conversation on whatever topics participants suggest.
Sunday, 1-3 pm – Annie Besant wrote Esoteric Christianity to show the truths of the Ancient Wisdom hidden in Christian teachings, and explain why they need to be hidden. Ann Ford presents the first of two programs on this theosophical classic.
TS-MD: Magick Explained! This Sunday, 1/22, 1-3 pm with Robert Randle
Robert Randle, ceremonial magician, writer and artist, will link the Qabbalah, the Five Elements, the Seven Hermetic Principles, the Planets and the Zodiac, Chakras and several other concepts when he teaches the basic principles of magickal theory and practices, and the real differences between White and Black Magick.
To help you begin performing your own magick right away, he will end his talk with a demonstration ritual. Anyone who wants to participate will be welcome to, and anyone who wants to abstain is free to do so as well.
This program is free and open to all, at the Theosophical Society in Maryland’s headquarters at 523 N Charles St, 2nd floor, a block south of the Washington Monument in the Mt. Vernon district.
TS-MD: Magick 101-Introduction to the Fundamentals, Sunday Jan 22nd, 1-3 pm
Our speaker, Robert Randle, describes his talk:
TS-MD: Tomorrow-“America’s Esoteric Destiny”; Jan 22nd- “Magick 101-An Introduction”
Both programs are 1-3 pm. They are free and all are welcome.
On Jan 15th Leonard Jackson Jr. will explain what theosophists and other writers in the Ancient Wisdom tradition say about the United States’ purpose in history.
The following Sunday, Robert Randle, writer, artist, ceremonial magician and an officer in the William Blake Lodge (O.T.O.) will give the first of two talks on Magick, “The Method of Science, the Aim of Religion”. See upcoming posting for more detailed information.
TS-MD: A Theosophical View of America’s Destiny, Sunday 1/15, 1-3 pm
Leonard Jackson Jr will speak about America’s destiny, during a crucial time in our country’s history. It is the first of several talks on the subject this year.
This talk is based on the writings of Helena P. Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society. Her Secret Doctrine states that America “whose mission and karma it is, to sow the seeds for a forthcoming, grander, and far more glorious Race than any of those we know of at present.”
What does this mean? And if true, what does it mean for the future of mankind?
This Sunday program is, as always, free and open to all.
TS-MD: Open Discussion tomorrow, 1-3 pm; “America’s Destiny: an Esoteric View”, next Sunday, 1/15
All are welcome to our monthly Open Discussion on Sunday, 1/8. In roundtable fashion, each person, who wants to, gives a 5-minute description of a book, article, movie, etc. and the thought-provoking metaphysical concept it brings up. We all then respectfully discuss that idea, each person contributing from his/her own perspective based on experience and knowledge.
Next Sunday, 1/15, 1-3 pm is the first of a series of talks on the creation and destiny of the United States from an esoteric, theosophical view. Leonard Jackson Jr. is the speaker.
Both programs are free, and open to all.
TS-MD: Library Night this Wed. 6-8 pm; Open Discussion on Sunday, 1/8, 1-3 pm
Regular events have resumed after the holidays at our lodge, 523 N Charles St, 2nd floor, above the Grimaldi Gallery, half a block from the Walters. All are welcome – old friends and newcomers, anyone pursuing truth.
Enjoy informal conversation, meet our members, and browse our esoteric library on Wednesday evening. Parking on our block of Charles St is free after 6 pm.
On Sunday, contribute (or just listen) to a round table discussion on topics suggested by those who attend, bringing a book, article, movie review, etc. on subjects ranging from the metaphysical to the physical, from myth to reality.
TS-MD: Program Schedule for January-February 2017 now available
The PDF version of our Jan-Feb 2017 schedule is available in this post, and on our website’s home page for viewing, downloading or printing. All programs and Library Nights are free and open to all.
Highlights for January are: Leonard Jackson’s talk on “A Theosophical View of America’s Destiny”, “Magick 101” by Robert Randle, and the first part of a review of Annie Besant’s Esoteric Christianity with Ann Ford.
February highlights are: “Magickal Accoutrements” by Robert Randle, the documentary “Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief”, and the second part of Esoteric Christianity.
TS-MD: Wed. 6-8 pm, Dec 28th – Library Night; Sunday, Jan. 1st – no Program on New Year’s Day
We resume Library Night this Wednesday after a holiday break. It’s free and open to all – browse among our esoteric books, or join in informal conversation on whatever topics come up!
There will be no program this Sunday afternoon. Sunday programs from 1-3 pm resume on January 8th with an Open Discussion session. Free. All welcome. Bring in a book or article, review a movie or play – anything that appealed to your interest in the esoteric or metaphysical.
The January-February 2017 Program Schedule will be posted to our website and Facebook page on or before this coming Friday.
TS-MD Friend’s Event: Watermark Gallery Celebration/Open House, Wed. Dec 21st, 12-5 pm
Manzar Rassouli invites you to join her and five other artists for live music and refreshments this Wednesday, December 21st, 12 – 5 pm at The Watermark Gallery. The other artists are Schroeder Cherry, Minas Konsolas, Maria Mendoza, Bridget Sullivan and Maxine Taylor.
The theme of the event is “Embrace Diversity, Create Peace, Celebrate Life!”
It seems there will also be a holiday bazaar hosted by the musical group Limestone Connection.
Watermark Gallery is on the 2nd Floor of the Bank of America Building. 100 S Charles St in the Inner Harbor District, across from the Convention Center. Street parking is available on Charles St, Lombard St, and Hanover St. The phone number there is (385) 312-0547.
For more information, find Manzar on Facebook.
The show is up now until January 2. Hours 11am – 3pm. Text Manzar for an appointment 443-716-6155.
TS-MD: Sunday, Dec 18th, 1-3 pm – “Spirit and the Flesh: Talk and Tour”
Join us at the lodge (523 N Charles St, 2nd floor above the Grimaldi Gallery) for a half hour talk tracing the changing attitudes in Christianity from its earliest days through the late Medieval period, towards the relationship between the spiritual and the physical, the soul and the body.
We then walk half a block to the Walters Art Museum to take a self-guided tour of the exhibit, “A Feast for the Senses: Art and Experience in Medieval Europe.” We can discuss our reactions in the cafe area afterwards. The exhibit features rare tapestries, gold statues, illuminated manuscripts and other objects of art and devotion, that give us a glimpse into the medieval understanding of the sacred and the profane.
This program is free, open to all. The Walters has free admission to the museum and the exhibit.
TS-MD: Library Night, Wed. Dec 13th, 6-8 pm; Sunday Talk and Tour, Dec 18th, 1-3 pm
Join members and non-members for free ranging discussion around our table, or to browse and read books in our large esoteric library. A free activity, held almost every Wednesday evening. Free parking on Charles Street after 6 pm. All are welcome!
This Sunday, December 18th, 1-3 pm, will be a program entitled “Spirit and the Flesh: Changing Christian Attitudes about the Relationship between the Physical and the Spiritual”. Ann Ford will give a short talk at our lodge on the history of these attitudes, up through Medieval times. Then we walk to the Walters Museum, half a block away, to visit their exhibit “A Feast for the Senses: Art and Experience in Medieval Europe”, where art in many forms reflects those attitudes. The talk and admission to the museum and exhibit are free.
TS-MD Friend’s Event: Meet and Greet the Artist – Kimberly Sheridan, Dec 17th, 11 am -3 pm
On Saturday, Dec 17, 2016, at Light Street Presbyterian Church, 809 Light St, Baltimore, artist Kimberly Sheridan will hold a meet-and-greet. A group of portrait paintings from her show, The Million Gun Victims’ March, will be on display. The first printing of the 2017 calendar for the Million Gun Victims March, featuring a portrait for every month, will be for sale. Purchase a calendar and the artist will autograph it for you.
TS-MD: UFO Reminder – This Sunday, 12/11/16, 1-3 pm
This presentation by Carole J. Pressnall, M.F.A. will challenge the standard concepts surrounding UFOs (unidentified flying objects). She speaks from personal experiences she had with others present. As always, this Sunday program is free and open to the public.
Craig Newton’s talk “UFOs-Part IV”, originally on the agenda for this Sunday, had to be rescheduled. We will announce the new date as soon as it is available.
TS-MD: UFOs – Sunday, Dec 11, 1-3 pm with Carole J. Pressnall, M.F.A.
UFOs: Do UFOs really need to be 3-D bodies or spaceships? Carole Pressnall says of her presentation: “Are UFOs of Terrestrial or Extra-Terrestrial origin? Photos from books On the Slide of Light and UFO Contact from the Pleiades (author Billy Meier) will be used to raise questions about ‘Inner-space’ as compared to ‘Outer-space’. This slide presentation will introduce the concept of possible UFO contact – through the ‘mind-machine’ and meditations in like-minded groups.
In 1993, Carl Sagan said in Parade magazine that we are hallucinating [on flying saucers and spaceships] due to sleep deprivation, fasting, drugs and media hype. Those of us who have seen what we believe to be a sighting, are often scoffed at, maligned and/or avoided. My sighting was on the island of Bimini during a 1980’s A.R.E. tour, 50 miles off the coast of Florida.”
This program is free and open to the public. There will be time for questions and discussion.
TS-MD: Centennial Party, Sunday Dec 4th, 1-3 pm – 1916 Theme
Treat yourself this Sunday afternoon to fun and refreshments in a relaxed atmosphere at the Theosophical Society. Play our “remember when” games and impromptu creative activities. Experience some of what it was like to live in Baltimore in 1916, the year our charter signed.
This is a free event, open to all.
TS-MD: Consider #Giving Tuesday, November 29th
Please consider donating to your favorite non-profit(s) on this day (or later). You can donate money, or commit to volunteering your time, to help make things better locally, nationally or internationally. One easy way to fund your charity, if you shop online at Amazon, is through Amazon Smile. Amazon “donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. The AmazonSmile website is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service. You can choose from almost one million eligible 501(c)(3) public charitable organizations.” You pay no more for your purchases. You can easily change the organization you select. There are answers to your other questions on the link above.
TS-MD: December Highlights – Party, UFOs, and Religion in Art! Library Night resumes 11/30, 6-8 pm
We have a mix of topics for our December Sunday programs. Join us for one or more. All programs are free, 1-3 pm (our winter hours). All are Welcome.
Dec 4th: a “1916” Party, our last Centennial Sunday for the year. A party with games, set in 1916 – the year our charter was signed.
Dec 11th: “UFOs – Part IV” with Craig Newton, who continues to explore questions about extra-terrestials, with short videos including interviews he’s filmed himself.
Dec 18th: “Spirit and the Flesh-Changing Christian Attitudes” with Ann Ford. A tour of the free exhibit at the Walters Museum half a block away, “A Feast for the Senses: Art and Experience in Medieval Europe”, preceded by a short talk at the lodge about the relationship between the material and spiritual worlds.
TS-MD Reminder – No Events during Thanksgiving Holidays; Library Night resumes Wednesday 11/30, 6-8 pm
We will have no Library Night this Wednesday, Nov 23, and no Sunday program on Nov 27, so that our volunteers can enjoy the Thanksgiving holidays.
Library Night resumes Wednesday, Nov 30th, 6-8 pm. The following Sunday is our “1916 Party”, the last of our Centennial Sundays for the year, Dec 4th from 1-3 pm. Our charter as a lodge of the international Theosophical Society was granted in 1916.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
TS-MD: “Healing, Shamanism and Shifts in Consciousness” by Charles Myers, Tomorrow- Sunday 11/20, 1-3 pm
Join us to learn about one of the oldest spiritual practices – interacting directly with helping spirits to address the spiritual aspect of illness, remove spiritual blockages, obtain information. Shamanism is cross-cultural, practiced by many different people around the globe – Siberia, Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, Greenland, native North and South America. Charles Myers is a computer support professional, but also has gone through a Shamanic healing apprenticeship. He will share his experiences and show short segments of a DVD about shamanism. In addition he will talk briefly about The Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) and the local group – also interested in human consciousness.
This lecture is FREE and OPEN to ALL, at 523 N Charles St (2nd floor above the Grimaldi Gallery, a half-block from the Walters Museum). Parking on our block of Charles Street is free on Sundays.
TS-MD: Healing, Shamanism and Shifts in Consciousness with Charles Myers, Sunday Nov 20th, 1-3 pm
Charles Myers has a Shamanic healing apprenticeship, which entailed 200 hours of group learning, practice and coaching from Rose Khalsa, an experienced Shamanic healer in Massachusetts. He also has had several energy/Shamanic healing sessions for spiritual and physical health and well-being. He will talk about his experiences, show segments of a DVD about Shamanism, and will bring some of the drum, rattles and other tools used in this practice.
He will also show a brief video about The Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) and discuss the local group where he is the Program Committee Chair.
As always, this Sunday program is FREE and ALL are WELCOME.
“The word ‘shaman’ comes from the Tungus tribe in Siberia and it means spiritual healer or one who sees in the dark. Shamanism has been practiced in Siberia, Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, Greenland, and native North and South America…A shaman is a man or woman who uses the ability to see ‘with the strong eye’ or ‘with the heart’ to travel into hidden realms. The shaman interacts directly with helping spirits to address the spiritual aspect of illness and perform soul retrievals, retrieve lost power, as well as remove spiritual blockages. The shaman also divines information for the community. Shamans have and still act as healers, doctors, priests and priestesses, psychotherapists, mystics, and storytellers.” [Sandra Ingerman]
TS-MD: Tonight- Library Night! 6-8 pm; Sunday-Healing, Shamanism and Shifts in Consciousness 11/20, 1-3 pm
Join us Wednesday evening, Nov. 16th, for wide-ranging conversation, or browsing one of the largest esoteric libraries in Maryland. All are welcome! Free.
Hear Charles Myers this Sunday give a first-hand account of training to be a shaman. He will also talk about the history of this, one of the oldest known spiritual practices, practiced by many different people around the globe. He will show some of the drums, rattles, and tools that are used in Shamanic rituals. What does a shaman do? Addresses the spiritual aspect of illness, removes spiritual blockages, divines information – acts as healer, doctor, priest/priestess, psychotherapist, mystic, storyteller. How does he/she do it? Come this Sunday to find out.
Charles will also show a short video about The Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) and briefly discuss the local group.
All are welcome to this free program.
TS-MD Friends’ Event- Open House for Million Guns Victims Exhibit, Nov 17th, 5:30-8 pm
All are welcome to the Open House for the art exhibit, Million Guns Victims March, Nov 17th at Athlon Wealth Advisors, 3201 Elliott St in Canton, 5:30-8 pm. Athlon is in a restored 1923 community bank building at the corner of Elliott and East Streets. Beer, sodas and light refreshments will be served. No cover charge.
Come see 100 portraits of victims of gun violence, all from Maryland, most from Baltimore. The artist, Kimberly Sheridan, will be at the Open House to field your inquiries. The exhibit is now hanging, and will be until November 19th. You can visit during normal business hours if the office is open. Please call Athlon Wealth Advisors at 410-243-8070 before you visit.
TS-MD: Tomorrow 11/13-Pyramid Mysteries, 2-4 pm; Next Sunday, 11/20-Shamanism and Healing, 1-3 pm
Join us tomorrow for “Reflections on the Pyramid”, a talk by Dr. Frankie Hutton about recent research into the pyramid, with live product demonstrations. She is bringing information and products from the Global Pyramid Convention in Chicago. This is at a special time – 2-4 pm. Free and open to all.
Next Sunday, the program is “Healing, Shamanism and Shifts in Consciousness” with Charles Myers, who has completed his Shamanic healing apprenticeship with Rose Khalsa. Mr Myers is also chair of the Program Committee for the Baltimore Friends of IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences). “A shaman is a man or woman who uses the ability to see ‘with the strong eye’ or ‘with the heart’ to travel into hidden realms.” [Sandra Ingerman] The talk will be at our regular Fall-Winter program time of 1-3 pm. Free and all are welcome.
TS-MD: Reflections on the PYRAMID, with Dr. Frankie Hutton, Sunday Nov 13th, ** 2-4 pm **
Following a demonstration of an ancient Egyptian qi gong meditation, Frankie Hutton will highlight the Global Pyramid Conference with summaries of talks from an international bevy of speakers, including Osmanagich, Radmilo Anicic and others. Dr. Hutton will also highlight other past and recent research on pyramids and share her own experience and unusual products from this conference in Chicago.
Please note the time – 2-4 pm. The program is free. All are welcome!
Dr. Hutton is the founder of The Rose Project, and a nationally known speaker.
TS-MD Reminder for Sunday, Nov 6th: DST ends, new start time is 1 pm
TS-MD: Sunday, Nov 6 – OPEN DISCUSSION, ** new times 1-3 pm **
All are welcome to our free Open Discussion this Sunday. Please note the new times – 1 to 3 pm.
Participants are invited to talk briefly about a book, article, movie, play, etc. that touches on an esoteric or spiritual issue, then we open up the floor for respectful discussion, allowing for different points of view. Come to be part of the discussion even if you have no item to describe.
Past Open Discussions have covered topics like karma, the teachings of Rumi; books such as Autobiography of a Yogi and Journeys Out of the Body; the movie Trumbo and Oprah’s Belief cable series.
We never know in advance what will come up!
TS-MD: New Program Schedule Now Available, for Nov-Dec 2016
The November-December schedule can be printed and/or downloaded. All events are free and open to all. Highlights include:
- new Sunday program times – 1-3 pm because Daylight Savings Time is ending
- Reflections on the Pyramid with Dr. Frankie Hutton on Nov 13th. Note: 2-4 pm – special time
- Shamanism with Charles Myers on Nov 20th
- “1916” Centennial Party on Dec 4th
- UFOs Part IV with Craig Newton on Dec 11th
- Library Nights continue on Wednesdays, 6-8 pm
TS-MD: Wednesday 10/26- Library Night, 6-8 pm; Sunday 10/30- Fun with Chinese Calligraphy, 2-4 pm

Both activities are FREE and OPEN to ALL. On Wednesday night, enjoy good conversation from esoteric points of view, or browse the books in our library. TS members can check the books out. Parking on Charles St is free after 6 pm.
Sunday’s program is a relaxed, hands-on workshop with Carole J. Pressnall, M.F.A. She will introduce Chinese characters and their history, the 8 basic strokes that make up all the characters, how to hold the bamboo brush, and how to use the ink stone and ink. Experience the Zen-like absorption in the moment as you write the characters. All participants will practice a few characters. Once mastered, each participant can then choose to do other characters like Chinese astrological signs and spiritual words (enlightenment, meditation, peace, etc.). All work can be taken home. Materials for the workshop are provided free of charge. Please come on time and wear casual clothes – India ink can stain! Parking on the 500 N block of Charles St is free on Sundays.
TS-MD Sunday, 10/30 -“Fun with Chinese Calligraphy”, hands-on workshop with Carole J. Pressnall, M.F.A., 2-4 pm

Ms Pressnall describes her workshop: “Using India ink, a glass inkstone, and bamboo brushes, we can paint beautiful – as well as correct – characters. We will focus on practicing the character for “eternity”, where all the 8 basic strokes of Chinese calligraphy, their order and direction can be found. Once it has been mastered, we will practice the words “China” and “America”, and other words of your choosing. Not only will you be able to understand how the words/characters are written, but you will also appreciate the Zen of the art form itself.”
The workshop is FREE and OPEN to ALL.
All supplies for the workshop are provided. A brief historical account of the evolution of Chinese characters will be given in a handout. You may take home the sheets of Chinese characters that you have mastered.
TS-MD: “Religions Along the Silk Road”, this Sunday, 10/23, 1-4 pm; “Fun with Chinese Calligraphy”, 10/30, 2-4 pm
Join us for two special programs – both are free and all are welcome!
On Oct. 23rd Maria Drumm, author of Silk Road Journeys (2014), will share her experiences traveling over the ancient trade routes known collectively as “the Silk Road”, through Egypt, India, Uzebekistan, China, and many other countries. She will talk about the cultural influences of the religions she encountered – Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Nestorian Christianity. See the Buddhist caves of Dunhuang, the Hindu temple at Ellora, the Stepwells of India. Ms Drumm brings her award-winning photographs of the landscapes, people, towns, and religious monuments – often in very remote regions. Visit her website to learn more. This is a Centennial Sunday.
On Oct. 30th Carole J. Pressnall, M.F.A., will teach you the basic strokes of Chinese calligraphy in a fun, relaxed, hands-on way. Once you practice the character for “eternity”, you will be able to write all other characters. All supplies and tools for the session will be provided at no charge. Not only will you be able to understand how the words/characters are written, but you will also appreciate the Zen of the art form itself. You may take home the Chinese characters that you have mastered.
TS-MD: “Religions Along the Silk Road” – Illustrated Talk by Maria Drumm, Sunday Oct. 23rd, 1-4 pm

Silk Road trade routes
Ms Drumm, author of Silk Road Journeys, prize-winning photographer, teacher and world traveler, personally traveled the many trade routes that made up the Silk Road, through present-day Egypt, India, China, Cambodia, Vietnam and other countries. She will show photos of the religious monuments, people and landscapes along those routes, and speak about the social and cultural influences of the religions she encountered. There will be a question-and-answer session after her talk. This program is free. All are welcome. Please note the special times – 1 to 4 pm. Visit her website to sample some of her outstanding photographs!
Ms Drumm describes her talk: “For over a thousand years, the Silk Road was more than a series of trade routes for silk and other products. From Xian to Rome, from India to what we now call the ‘Stans’ (including Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan), along the great rivers and deserts, ideas and philosophies were exchanged and molded by local cultures. Come and see the Buddhist caves of Dunhuang, the Hindu temple at Ellora and descend into the Stepwells of India. Look at the ancient shrines in Eygpt that have marks of three great religions. There is a lot more to see and learn from the history of the Silk Road. Come join us…”
Her talk will be an opportunity to “visit” and start to understand places in the world that very few Westerners have experienced.
TS-MD: A Great Weekend for Edgar Allan Poe! Performances Friday-Sunday, Oct 14-16

David Keltz as Poe
David Keltz, portraying Poe, will perform “The Tell-Tale Heart”, “The Cask of Amontillado”, “The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar”, and “The Raven”. Tickets are available online and at the performances – Friday Oct 14 at 8 pm, Saturday Oct 15 – 2 pm and 8 pm, and Sunday Oct 16 at 2 pm. There will be light refreshments after each performance, with the opportunity to meet the actor.
Mr Keltz has been portraying Edgar Allan Poe for 25 years throughout the United States. He also performed at the International Poe Festival in Prague in 1999. He has committed to memory and staged more than five hours of Poe’s works, as well as extensively studying the man and his life. To see video of Mr Keltz performing as Poe, see his website, under “Multimedia”.
For more information, please contact Teresa Herold at 410-971-9569.
TS-MD: Wednesday, 9/28, is Library Night (6-8 pm). Open Discussion this Sunday, 10/2 (2-4 pm)

Conversation in TS-MD library
All are welcome to free-ranging discussions on all aspects of the esoteric, the unexplained, the nature of man, and many other topics! Both Wednesday and Sunday are free and open to the public.
On Wednesdays, you can also browse our library. TS members can check out books; non-members can read in our quiet middle room.
TS-MD: Our New YouTube Channel – Actor David Keltz in First Video

David Keltz as Poe
We’ve started our own YouTube channel – Theosophical Society in MD-Baltimore Lodge! It will feature future talks at our lodge, an illustrated history of the lodge, and videos on other topics of interest to our members and friends.
The first entry is a 14-minute video, filmed by Craig Newton, with past President of the lodge, Leonard Jackson Jr interviewing David Keltz, well-known for his portrayals of Edgar Allan Poe. Mr Keltz will be performing at our lodge on Friday, Oct 14th at 8 pm; Saturday, Oct 15th at 2 and 8 pm; and Sunday, Oct 16th at 2 pm. Unlike other events at our lodge, there is a ticket charge for these performances. See Mr Keltz’ website for a link to purchase tickets, under the “Calendar of Performances” tab.
On his website are videos of some of his performances, including The Raven and The Tell-Tale Heart, under the “Multimedia” tab. Also see YouTube for his performance videos.
Many thanks to Leonard, David and Craig for their work in helping to inaugurate our YouTube channel.
TS-MD: Dreams – the Language of the Soul, with Laurel Clark, this Sunday, 9/25/16, 2-4 pm

Dreamcatchers, from Wikipedia
We are glad to present a video lecture and Q&A session, with noted author Laurel J. Clark. We will follow the video with our own lively discussion on dream theories, and personal experiences. As always, the Sunday program is free and open to all.
Dr Clark has been writing her dream journals for 40 years, and teaching others how to interpret their dreams for over 35 years. What have been life-changing dreams for famous people in history? What are your dreams telling you? She will explain her ideas using her own experiences, including a dramatic dream one year after the 9/11 tragedy. Dr Clark will also teach us how to “incubate” a dream.
A teacher in the School of Metaphysics, Dr Clark is the author of Intuitive Dreaming; The Law of Attraction: And Other Secrets of Visualization; Interpreting Dreams for Self Discovery (with Paul Blosser); Karmic Healing; and Dharma: Finding Your Soul’s Purpose.
TS-MD: Friends of the Lodge – Upcoming Events at Other Organizations
At our program/meeting on Sunday, September 18th, our members and friends shared news of events coming up in organizations they know of and support. Here’s the list. Our lodge doesn’t vouch for any of these events, or the organizations that produce them. We’re just sharing the information in case you’d be interested.
Baltimore Shambhala (Buddhist) Center – new workshops on Wed evenings, suggested contribution, Sept 21 – Oct 19th, on Maitri: Five Wisdom Energies
Atlantic Coast Gem, Mineral Show – Saturday and Sunday, Sept 24-25 at the Howard County Fairgrounds. Small admission charge. Beware of prompt for software download. See their website for more information
TS Lodge in Washington DC (National Capital) – meets on Saturdays at the Georgetown Neighborhood Library, members’ meeting at 11 am; public lecture at 12 pm. Free and open to the public. The lodge has announced its Oct – Dec program schedule
Chant4Change – at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, Oct 8, 1-11 pm. Free but you are asked to pre-register. (Note: we are not personally familiar with the people and organizations sponsoring this event). See their website
Mysteries of Space & Sky: 2016 – Oct 22 in Gambrills with noted UFO speakers. Admission charge. See this website for details and registration
TS-MD October Highlight! David Keltz as Edgar Allen Poe, 10/14-16, evening and matinee performances
David Keltz celebrates 25 years portraying Edgar Allan Poe with performances on October 14, 15, and 16 at The Theosophical Society in Maryland. In honor of Edgar Allan Poe’s life and work, David will perform “The Tell-Tale Heart,” “The Cask of Amontillado,” “The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar,” and the most perfectly constructed poem ever written – “The Raven.” Performances are scheduled on Friday October 14 at 8 pm, Saturday October 15 at 2 pm and 8 pm, and Sunday October 16 at 2 pm. Tickets are available online only.
David Keltz began his career in costume and character as Edgar Allan Poe at Poe’s gravesite on Halloween night 1991. Since that night, David has committed to memory and staged more than five hours of Poe’s works. Audiences from Salem, Massachusetts to Miami, Florida and from Wichita, Kansas to Prague, Czech Republic have enjoyed David’s portrayal of Baltimore’s most famous author. In 1999 David performed over three months in Prague for the International Poe Festival. During the Festival, David was privileged to perform not only in Prague’s theaters, but also in its museums, castles and universities. This year also marks David’s 5th Annual Poe Bus Tour to take place on Saturday October 8 at 2 pm originating at the Annabel Lee Tavern in Canton.
For more information, contact Teresa Herold at 410-971-9569.
TS-MD: “Persephone’s Journey- A Meditation” with Brian Fitzek Sunday, Sept. 18, 2016, 2-4 pm

Persephone (Sand)
Brian describes his talk: Myths are not just quaint folklore. These sacred texts reveal spiritual experiences, behavioral models, and moral lessons.
As we enter the fall season, we have the opportunity to tap into the darkening rhythms of the season and take a fruitful journey with the goddess Persephone. Persephone, by embracing both her dark and light sides, helps us to find balance in our lives, and also empowers us to strike out on bold and daring new paths.
Take a moment this autumn equinox to reflect on this journey within the context of your own life.
As always, this Sunday program is free and all are welcome.
TS-MD: The Tarot – An Evolutionary Model, Sunday Sept. 11, 2016, 2-4 pm

RWS Deck-Temperance
“The Tarot – an Evolutionary Model” with James Mahoney, will be a presentation – and discussion – of its basic structure, and its relations to astrology and the Hebrew “Tree of Life”. He will explore questions about what the Tarot “reveals” – as a complex set of symbols and a kind of model for conscious evolution.
James Mahoney is a graduate of Harvard University, and has been engaged in the study of the Tarot since his freshman year in college. This study has led him to the practice of astrology and investigations into Hebrew mysticism, along with 19th century occultism which refined – and complicated- the Tarot’s nature and significance. Mr Mahoney is a Washington-based artist, writer and independent curator who is currently an Affiliate Professor of Visual Art at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Please note: West Franklin Street is scheduled to be closed until late September between Park Avenue and Eutaw Street, for street and infrastructure repairs. Other streets in the area are also closed. See the City’s Department of Public Works 8/22/2016 press release for more information, or their website.
TS-MD Program Schedule for September-October 2016 Now Available
The new 2016-Sept-Oct Schedule can be opened, printed and downloaded. More detailed information about each program will be available on our website closer to the date of the program.
As always, all events are open to everyone. They are also free unless noted in the schedule.
Please see that the October 14-16 performances by David Keltz as Edgar Allen Poe have a ticket charge. Go to his website, and click on [Calendar of Performances] for the link to purchasing tickets at Brown Paper Tickets.
TS-MD – Two September Highlights: The Tarot, Persephone’s Journey
The Maryland Theosophical Society is very glad to host two special presentations and discussions:
Sept 11: “The Tarot – an Evolutionary Model” with James Mahoney, who has studied the Tarot intensively for years, including its relationship to astrology and the Hebrew “Tree of Life”. He will explore questions about what the Tarot “reveals” – as a complex set of symbols and a kind of model for conscious evolution.
Sept 18: “Persephone’s Journey – A Meditation” with Brian Fitzek, who will delve into the spiritual and moral meaning of this Greek myth, just in time for the autumn equinox. How can Persephone’s tale help us find balance in our lives and empower us to strike out on bold and daring new paths?
The full September-October program schedule will be available at the end of August on this website.
TS-MD Library Night – Aug 17, 6-8 pm: Thanks to Aj Hyde; New Facilitators
We at the Maryland TS are very grateful to Aj Hyde. He is the person who advocated for a Library Night, and has dedicated his time and talents since September 2015, to make Library Night the special experience it has become to all who stop by. This in addition to many other invaluable contributions he made to our lodge, including those for our Centennial celebrations. Aj is stepping down for a while, to pursue other projects. We wish him all the best.
Julian and Racquel have stepped up to continue Library Nights, starting Wednesday, August 17th, from 6-8 pm as usual. You will meet one of them when you come. Please welcome our new facilitators!
As always, Library Night is free and open to all. Enjoy lively conversation on various topics, or browse the books in our esoteric collection. TS members can borrow books and DVDs. Non-members can read books at the lodge. Please check our website or Facebook page before you come. Unavoidable cancellations will be posted.
TS-MD Reminder: The Mahatmas – tomorrow, 8/14, 1-4 pm
Join us in learning more about what it means to be a Mahatma, also known as Adept, Master (as in school master), Ascended Being, Master of the Ancient Wisdom. What do their own writings say, and the writings of people who met them. We will look at several traditions that believe in them, then concentrate on K.H. and M., the two adepts who inspired Madame Blavatsky and Col. Olcott to start the Theosophical Society.
Please note the expanded program times – 1-4 pm. This event is free and open to the public. It is the Centennial Sunday for August.
TS-MD Sunday, Aug. 14th, 1-4 pm: The Mahatmas, Ascended Masters
This special program will start with an overview of what is known or believed about Ascended Masters, also known as Ascended Beings, Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, Adepts or Mahatmas. Many groups profess a belief in them, including Theosophists. Madame Blavatsky wrote that “they are living men, born as we are born…they are our teachers … from them we have derived all the Theosophical truths.” [Key to Theosophy] Following the overview, there will short videos by experts in the topic, and plenty of time for discussion. Please note the special times for this Centennial Sunday – 1-4 pm. This program is free and open to the public.
TS-MD Welcomes You to Library Night! Wednesday 8/3, 6-8 pm

Conversation in TS-MD library
We are very glad that we can continue this well-received activity at our lodge. At one point we thought of suspending it temporarily, but volunteers have stepped up to host it.
As always, all are welcome at no charge to our library – for friendly wide-ranging conversation in a comfortable atmosphere at the round table, or for browsing our collection of esoteric and other books. TS members can borrow books and DVDs to take home. Non-members can read books at the lodge.
TS-MD Reminder! Science and Spirituality: Three Points of View, Sunday 7/31, 1-4 pm
Each speaker will present his or her organization’s approach to the topic, with plenty of time for answering questions from the audience. Mike Margolies will speak for Psymposia and Psychedelic Seminars. Carole Pressnall, MFA, will introduce the Institute of Noetic Sciences – IONS. Ann Ford will outline the ideas of Theosophists Helena P. Blavatsky, Col. Henry Olcott and Annie Besant, and more recent efforts.
This program is free and open to all. A Centennial Sunday. Please note earlier start time than usual – 1 pm.
TS-MD Friend’s Event: Lit and Art, Sunday, July 31st, 2 pm- Manzar Rassouli @Watermark Gallery
Join Manzar for another ” Rumi and More” lit and art event at the Watermark Gallery with Metropolitan Washington writers. She will share insights about her new book Conversation with Silence. Find out more about this artist, writer and consultant on her Facebook page.
Sunday, July 31st: SCIENCE and SPIRITUALITY – Three Points of View; 1-4 pm
Each speaker will present his or her organization’s approach to the topic, with plenty of time for answering questions from the audience. Mike Margolies will speak for Psymposia and Psychedelic Seminars. Carole Pressnall, MFA, will introduce the Institute of Noetic Sciences – IONS. Ann Ford will outline the ideas of Theosophist Helena P. Blavatsky.
This program is free and open to all.
SCIENCE and SPIRITUALITY is one of the TS-MD’s Centennial Sundays, revisiting a topic presented on November 17, 1989 by a guest speaker from the India. We are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the signing of our charter as a lodge of the Theosophical Society.
Library Night for July 13, 2016 – CANCELLED. Will resume next week, July 20th

Conversation in TS-MD library
We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this unavoidable cancellation. Library Night, an opportunity to engage in meaningful conversation, and browse our esoteric library, is usually held every Wednesday, 6-8 pm, and will continue throughout the summer. Free and open to all!
TS-MD- Updated July and August 2016 Program Schedule Available
The 2016-Jul+Aug Schedule file can be downloaded or printed. In addition to our regular Library Nights on Wednesday evenings, we feature two “Centennial Sundays” that revive topics discussed at the lodge in our 100-year history: July 31st – “Science and Spirituality”, and August 14th – “The Mahatmas”.
Also featured on the schedule are highlights planned for October – three performances by David Keltz as Edgar Allen Poe (with a ticket charge), and “Religions of the Silk Road” – an illustrated talk by well-known local author, traveler and photographer Maria Drumm. Unless noted, all events at our lodge are free and open to the public. New visitors are always welcome.
TS-MD: July and August 2016 Program Schedule now available
The 2016-Jul+Aug Schedule file can be downloaded or printed. In addition to our regular Library Nights on Wednesday evenings, we feature two “Centennial Sundays” that revive topics discussed at the lodge in our 100-year history: July 31st – “Science and Spirituality”, and August 14th – “The Mahatmas”.
Also featured on the schedule are highlights planned for October – three performances by David Keltz as Edgar Allen Poe (with a ticket charge), and “Religions of the Silk Road” – an illustrated talk by well-known local author, traveler and photographer Maria Drumm. Unless noted, all events at our lodge are free and open to the public. New visitors are always welcome.
TS-MD Summer Schedule: Only Sundays July 31 and Aug 14; Library Night Continues
The Lodge will host a panel discussion on “Science and Spirituality” on July 31st, 1-4pm for our Centennial Sunday in July. Look for more information on that event and our August 14th Centennial Sunday, on our website and Facebook pages.
Library Night on Wednesdays, 6-8 pm, continues through the summer unless a notice is posted for a given night on our website and Facebook pages. Please check either location on a Wednesday before you come – we don’t want you to be disappointed.
Our normal Sunday schedule will resume in September. Special programs this Fall include: an Open House; performances by David Keltz as Edgar Allen Poe; and “Religions of the Silk Road” – a talk by noted local author, photographer and traveler, Maria Drumm.
Happy July and August!
Wednesday, June 29th: Library Night, 6-8 pm – New additions to the library

Conversation in TS-MD library
We welcome new and old friends to join us in interesting conversation, or to browse our esoteric library, on most Wednesday evenings. This is free and open to the public.
New books in our library include:
- UFO – The Complete Sightings by Peter Brookesmith (covers UFO maps, contacts, abductions, the crop circle connection, science and UFO’s)
- Coming Back by Raymond A. Moody Jr. MD (a psychiatrist explores past life journeys and regressions)
- The Complete Books of Charles Fort by Charles Fort, the “Prophet of the Unexplained”, examining anomalies, oddities, the mysterious
TS members can borrow books and DVDs from our library. Non-members are welcome to read books at the lodge on Wednesday evenings.
Sunday, June 26, 2016, 2-4 pm: George Harrison – His Spiritual Journey ……… Ann Ford

George Harrison
Let’s follow his life, his years with the Beatles and after, what Hinduism meant to him and how it influenced his songs. The program is based on the Quest book, Working Class Mystic: A Spiritual Biography of George Harrison by Gary Tillery. Gary used an extensive bibliography, including George’s own words. We will analyze some of George’s songs in light of his beliefs and experiences.
Wednesday, June 22nd – Library Night, 6-8 pm Open discussions! Free browsing!

Conversation in TS-MD library
As always, all are welcome at no charge to our library on Wednesday evenings – for friendly wide-ranging conversation in a comfortable atmosphere at the round table, or for browsing our collection of esoteric and other books. TS members can borrow books and DVDs to take home. Non-members can read books at the lodge.
For more information about Library Night, please email our librarian.
Sunday, June 19, 2016 – 2-4 pm: Hinduism- Basic Beliefs and Noted Yogis

Siva as Lord of the Dance (from LACMA)
This program, free and open to everyone, will include a short history of Hinduism and its basic beliefs, with information on several noted yogis, including Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananada and Paramahansa Yogananda (Autobiography of a Yogi), followed by open discussion. We will be viewing some sections of The Teaching Company’s DVD – “Great World Religions: Hinduism”.
Library Night, Wednesday June 8th, 6-8 pm; Two Views of Adyar/SE India on Sunday, June 12th

Conversation in TS-MD library
All are welcome to Library Night – for open conversation, usually on contemporary topics from esoteric points of view. Or browse our library. There’s a quiet room for reading a book from the shelves. TS members can borrow books from our library.
The following Sunday, June 12, 2016, 2-4 pm, is a Centennial Sunday, with a program titled “Two Views of Adyar/SE India: 1938 and 2015”. We’re revisiting a topic discussed many times during our 100 year history – the international headquarters of the Theosophical Society. What is it like for a Westerner volunteering there for months, in a different social environment but surrounded by the spiritual influences of two of the Society’s founders, Helena P. Blavatsky and William Olcott.
Reminder – No TS-MD Program Sunday, May 29th; Open Discussion on June 5th
We will have no program on May 29th because of the Memorial Day Holiday Weekend. We resume Sunday programs next week, 2-4 pm, with our usual first Sunday of the month format – Open Discussion. We invite everyone in turn to talk briefly about a book, article, movie, etc. that caught their interest, and relates in a way to theosophy – the oneness of all life, the universal brotherhood of humanity, what it is to be human, spiritual evolution, religion, philosophy, myths, science, the unexplained laws of nature, etc. Then we open up the discussion and everyone who wants to, can respectfully ask questions and share their experiences and knowledge on the topic.
Our Library Night is on Wednesdays, 6-8 pm. The Sunday and Wednesday programs are always free and open to the public. People new to our lodge are always welcome!
Library Night Resumes Wednesday, May 25th, 6-8 pm – new books arrived

Conversation in TS-MD library
All are welcome to our library, Wednesday evenings, for browsing our collection of esoteric books, and for friendly wide-ranging conversation in a comfortable atmosphere. Recent additions to the library – books on Eygpt, the Pyramids and by the author Zecharia Sitchin. TS members can borrow books and DVDs to take home. Non-members can read books at the lodge.
Library Nights are free and open to the public. New guests always welcome! Our address is 523 N Charles St, 2nd floor, above the Grimaldi Gallery, in Mt Vernon, half a block from the Walters Art Gallery and a block from the Washington Monument. Street parking is free after 6 pm. Non-political, non-sectarian, non-dogmatic, the Theosophical Society is committed to the universal brotherhood of humanity; the study of religion, philosophy and science; and examining the unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in humanity. Please email if you have any questions.
Library Night on May 18th – Cancelled. Resumes May 25th

Conversation in TS-MD library
There will be no Library Night on the 18th, because our volunteers will be unavailable for that one evening. Library Nights resume next week, as usual. Browse our esoteric library. Engage in friendly, free-wheeling conversations. Free, open to the public. New (and old) visitors welcome!
The Jungle Book (1942) on Sunday, May 15, 2016, 2-4 pm

film poster, from Wikipedia
Watch this classic movie version of Rudyard Kipling’s fables of a boy raised in an Indian jungle by animals, and then adopted by a human family. Discussion follows. The latest in our series, “Theosophy at the Movies”. What theosophical values and concepts will you see in this movie? How much of Kipling’s original ideas did Disney ignore? As always, this program is free and open to the public. Newcomers welcome.
May 1st Centennial Celebration was a great success!

Tim Boyd Signing May 1st Poster
Many thanks to our guest speakers from the Theosophical Society in America – Tim Boyd (also President of the International TS) and Janet Kerschner, and to the many current and former TS members, and friends of our lodge, who came to celebrate with us.
Watch for more photos of this event – coming soon.
Sunday, May 8, 2016, 2-4 pm: White Lotus Day and HPB

White Lotus from Theosophy Wiki
Join the Theosophical Society worldwide in commemorating Helena P. Blavatsky’s life! May 8th is the anniversary of her death in 1891, and it is celebrated with white flowers and a short ceremony of readings. We will add a short recap of HPB’s life, then show a DVD, a White Lotus Day Talk, “Knowledge and Wisdom” by David Bruce. David ties together ideas from Seneca to T.S. Eliot. Discussion follows.
May-June 2016 Program Schedule now available!
View, print or download our listing of Sunday afternoon programs and Wednesday Library Nights. This listing includes a Centennial Sunday on June 12th – “Two Views of Adyar: 1938 and 2015”, comparing the experiences of two TS members 77 years apart, when they volunteered to live and work for a time at the large compound, headquarters of the International Theosophical Society, near Chennai (Madras), India. The schedule also includes a “Theosophy at the Movies” program, and two Sundays exploring Hinduism in different ways.
Our activities are free and open to the public. All welcome!
Centennial Celebration – Sunday, May 1, 2016, 1-4 pm: Guest Speakers from National TSA
Join us as we celebrate 100 years since we were charted as a lodge in the Theosophical Society in America (TSA)! Free and open to the public, this special event will feature a talk about the evolution of human consciousness- how the Ancient Wisdom describes its unfoldment in this time of change. Tim Boyd, President of the International Theosophical Society and of the TSA, will give the talk.
The TSA Archivist, Janet Kerschner, is also coming with a PowerPoint presentation, tracking the history of our lodge in Baltimore, using old photographs and documents. There will be time for conversation and browsing at the end of the program. All welcome!
Sunday, April 24, 2016, 2-4 pm: Light on the Path, Part 3 ……. Pablo Sender, DVD and Discussion
Join us for more insight into the “rules” of this theosophical classic for those seeking enlightenment, walking the way of the disciple. It is said that Mabel Collins wrote in this book what she remembered from an out-of-body experience. She was taken to a hall where the wall was covered in jewels, and those jewels were the words that she remembered and wrote down in Light on the Path.
Pablo Sender is a gifted teacher, who explains the rules in a way that is easy to understand. (Following them is a different story!) It is not necessary to have attended the earlier lectures on Parts 1 and 2.
The text of Light on the Path is available online for free, thanks to the Theosophical Society lodge in Pasadena, CA.
Sunday, April 17, 2016, 2-4 pm: Brushes of Fury …….Kimberly Sheridan

Kimberly and her work, from Baltimore City Paper (2015)
Kimberly describes her program: “In this discussion the artist will talk about whether her work can bridge the gap between physical and spiritual realms when it comes to relieving suffering. Is it possible for any act of selfless compassion to heal not just the grief of the living, but change the fate of those who died violently as well?”
Kimberly Sheridan is the lead artist of the Million Gun Victims March (MGVM). You can learn more about MGVM and view her work online.
Next Centennial Program! The Rose Project this Sunday, 4/10/2016, 2-5:30 pm (special times)
Explore the metaphysical meanings of the rose and what “Living the Rose” can mean for you, with the founder of the Rose Project, Dr. Frankie Hutton. The rose is an important symbol that has had a presence in major religions and cultures globally (including Turkey, China, Vietnam and India) for thousands of years. The program will begin with poetry readings, and end with time for questions and socializing.
Library Night canceled for Wednesday, April 6, 2016
We apologize for any inconvenience, but Library Night will resume next Wednesday, April 13th, 6-8 pm.
Welcome! to our Open Discussion, Sunday, April 3, 2016, 2-4 pm
Join with members and non-members alike, in sharing an interesting book, article or movie that you found thought-provoking, and aligned with any of the three objects of the Theosophical Society (forming a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity; encouraging the study of religion, philosophy and science; investigating the unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in humanity).
This is a regular program on the first Sunday of each month. It is free and open to the public. The esoteric library is also opened for browsing and on-site reading.
Sunday, March 20, 2016 – Join us for a Spring Clean-up! 11am – 4 pm
We’ll provide the cleaning supplies – just bring your energy, to have some fun and make the rooms on our 2nd floor shine for the special Centennial events coming up in April and May. This is another “Centennial Sunday”, reviving a volunteer tradition at our lodge.
Library Night cancelled for March 16th – renovation work at the Lodge

TS-MD Library
We apologize for any inconvenience, but building renovations are being done on the 2nd floor where our library is located. We expect the work will be completed before next week’s Library Night on March 23rd, 6-8 pm as usual.
New information on Centennial Events in April and May! See [OUR CENTENNIAL] page
Learn more about the upcoming Rose Project Program on April 10th, and the principal Centennial Celebration on May 1st featuring a talk by the President of the International Theosophical Society and a presentation by the Archivist of the Theosophical Society in America (TSA).
Reminder – No program this Sunday, March 13th; Library Night as usual, Wed. March 16th
The St Patrick’s Day Parade will be taking over Charles St. this Sunday!
Library Night on Wednesday, 6-8 pm – a good opportunity for informal conversation and for browsing our esoteric library. Nearby parking meters not in effect after 6 pm. Free and open to members and non-members alike. All are welcome.
Library Night at TS-MD – Wed, March 2, 2016, 6-8 pm: Open for conversation, browsing

TS-MD Library
The Theosophical Society (TS) in Maryland holds our weekly Library Night, this Wednesday from 6pm-8pm at our Baltimore lodge, located at 523 N Charles Street, 2nd floor, in historic Mount Vernon. Free and open to the public. New guests welcome. Join in friendly, wide-ranging conversation around the table in our front room. Or browse our esoteric book collection, select a book and take it to a comfortable chair in our middle room to read. TS members can check books out. Non-political, non-sectarian, non-dogmatic, TS is committed to the universal brotherhood of humanity; the study of religion, philosophy and science; and examining the unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in humanity.
March and April 2016 Schedule Now Available!
The Heart of the Qur’an – at TS-MD, Sunday, Feb 28, 2016, 2-4 pm
We will base this program for the last Sunday of February, on the book of the same name (subtitle: “An Introduction to Islamic Spirituality”) by Lex Hixon, to learn more about Islam, especially the mystic Sufi tradition. “Hixon takes the view, shared by many Sufis, that a primary emphasis on love, justice, and the inner life, which has been labeled “Sufism” expresses, in fact, the original Islam” (page xxiii). We will view a short video by Hixon, then discuss key passages from the book.
The program, like all TS-MD Sunday programs, is free and open to the public. We welcome those who are searching, and respect all individuals’ life experiences.
Sunday, Feb 21, 2016, 2-4 pm: The Spiritual and Occult in Shakespeare…….. Ann Ford

Shakespeare-First Folio
Join us in examining how Shakespeare truly portrayed in his plays the higher spiritual planes. “Shakespeare’s knowledge of the super-physical is no less complete and comprehensive
than his knowledge of human nature which is the wonder of the modern
world.” [L.W.Rogers] We will discuss ghosts, prophesies and omens in Macbeth and Hamlet. Please bring your favorite examples from his other plays. This program, as are all TS-MD Sunday programs, is free and open to the public, but this is a special Sunday program for two reasons – first of our “Centennial Sundays” and third in our series “Theosophy in Literature and the Visual Arts”.
2016 is the 100th anniversary of Annie Besant signing our charter as a lodge in the worldwide Theosophical Society. Each month through December we will designate a Sunday to commemorate our Centennial by inviting a special new speaker, or by re-creating a program from our long history. This Sunday’s talk is based on one given in Baltimore on February 14, 1937, “The Occultism in Shakespeare” by Dr H. Douglas Wild.
Library Night and “Light on the Path, Part 2” – Wed 2/10 and Sun 2/14, 2016
Join us Wednesday, 2/10 from 6-8 pm at Library Night for informal conversation and for browsing TS’s esoteric library. Free and open to the public. Visitors stop by, bringing a wide variety of interests and knowledge about the spiritual, the scientific, the unknown and the unexplained. On Sunday, 2/14 from 2-4 pm, we will view a DVD by Pablo Sender on Light on the Path, Part 2, followed by discussion. Also free and open to the public, rescheduled from Jan 24th because of the blizzard. It is not necessary to have seen Part 1. Pablo explains the “rules” in this classic book on attaining enlightenment. Refreshments served.
Sunday, Feb 7, 2016, 2-4 pm: Open Discussion …. All Welcome!
All Sunday programs are free and open to the public. This Sunday is an opportunity to share a book, article or movie you have enjoyed – on any topic that touches on the Theosophical Society’s Three Objects (see our website). After you talk a little about your selection, the floor is open to discussion. There is usually a wide range of topics covered, from religion to science to the spiritual, from biographies to science fiction. Every Open Discussion afternoon is unique because it depends on who comes, and the knowledge and experience each person is willing to contribute to the discussions. The library at the Lodge is also open for browsing. Refreshments served.
Wednesday, Feb 3, 2016, 6-8 pm: Library Night at TS – Discuss, Browse, Read

TS Society Library
The Theosophical Society (TS) in Maryland resumes our weekly Library Night, this Wednesday from 6pm-8pm at our Baltimore lodge, located at 523 N Charles Street, 2nd floor, in historic Mount Vernon. Free and open to the public. New guests welcome. Join in friendly, wide-ranging conversation around the table in our front room. Or browse our esoteric book collection, select a book and take it to a comfortable chair in our middle room to read. TS members can check books out. Non-political, non-sectarian, non-dogmatic, TS is committed to the universal brotherhood of humanity; the study of religion, philosophy and science; and examining the unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in humanity.
TS -Upcoming Wednesday and Sunday activities cancelled – poor street, parking conditions

City cars buried in snow (from Wikimedia)
The recent blizzard left mounds of snow and ice on the streets and parking areas around the lodge and throughout the metropolitan area. As clean up efforts continue, we are mindful of the safety and convenience of our members and guests. The regular Wednesday evening Library Night for Jan. 27th, is cancelled but will resume next week, Feb. 3rd. The Jan. 31st Sunday afternoon program, Fun with Chinese Calligraphy, will be rescheduled (date to be announced later).
Sunday, January 24, 2016 – Rescheduling Program and Centennial Committee meeting
Because of the snow storm that hit the Baltimore area this weekend, the lodge will be closed this Sunday and events rescheduled: Light on the Path Part 2 (DVD by Pablo Sender and discussion after) will be held on Sunday, Feb. 14th and the Centennial Committee Meeting will now be from 12:30-2 pm on Sunday, Feb. 7th before the Open Discussion. Fun with Chinese Calligraphy is still scheduled for Sunday, January 31st, weather-permitting.
We hope all our members and friends stay safe this weekend.
“Fun with Chinese Calligraphy” – Sunday, Jan. 31, 2016, 2-4 pm … Carole Pressnall, M.F.A.
The classic ink stone and bamboo brush evolved through eons of time, forever affecting the look and style of all present day Calligraphy characters. By using these two timeless tools and the ageless stroke order for all calligraphy characters, we can paint beautiful – as well as correct characters.
All Chinese characters are drawn with a modest palette of 8 basic strokes. The character – “eternity” is a classical example where all of the 8 basic types of strokes can be found. The numbers and arrows on the character above indicate in which order and directions the strokes are written. If you practice this character, then you should be able to write all other characters. Using India ink, a glass inkstone, and bamboo brushes, we will focus on practicing the words: China & America. A brief historical account of the evolution of Chinese characters will be given in a handout. All supplies and tools will be provided. Not only will you be able to understand how the words/characters are written, but you will also appreciate the Zen of the art form itself. You may take home the Chinese characters that you have mastered.
Sunday, January 17, 2016, 2-4 pm: UFOs Part 3……………….Craig Newton
UFOs – Past, Present and Future! Mysteries, legends, science and religion. Craig, a long-time member of MUFON, will show videos and talk about what he has learned about the unknown. How he started to ask questions, and where that led him.
This is the third in a series of programs Craig has presented. If you haven’t attended the earlier two, that’s OK. Just come with an open mind and your questions.
Mark the date! ** Sunday, May 1, 2016 ** Centennial Celebration for TS in MD!
We will mark 100 years since our charter was signed, with an international guest speaker and a presentation of 100 years of history – the world’s, TS’s and our own lodge’s in Baltimore. There will be other special Sunday programs in April and May. Watch for the list in March. All programs are free and open to everyone.
Also, we are collecting photos, letters, first-hand accounts, newsletters, program schedules and other historic memorabilia to enhance our Centennial displays. If you have anything to contribute (or know someone who does), please call Ann Ford at 443-676-9278 and leave a voice message with your name and phone number. She will contact you to arrange for pickup. Or email [email protected]
We appreciate your contributions!
January-February 2016 Program Schedule – posted to TS in MD website
You will find the link to our latest program schedule on our homepage –
Wednesday, Dec. 30, 2015 – Library Night! No program on Sunday, Jan. 3

TS Society Library
The Theosophical Society (TS) in Maryland is hosting Library Night this Wednesday from 6pm-8pm at our Baltimore lodge, located on Charles Street in historic Mount Vernon. Free and open to the public – spend the eve of New Year’s Eve browsing our esoteric book collection or join in friendly conversation around our table. Non-political, non-sectarian, non-dogmatic, TS is committed to the universal brotherhood of humanity; the study of religion, philosophy and science; and examining the unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in humanity. Sunday programs resume January 10, 2-4 pm. Program schedule will be posted on our website after January 1st.
Sunday, December 20, 2015, 2-4:30 pm: Theosophy at the Movies – “John Carter of Mars” (2012)
Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950), one of the “grandfathers of science fiction”, wrote A Princess of Mars in 1911, first of the John Carter of Mars/Barsoom series of nine books. This Disney production is based on characters and story elements in the series, with dramatic special effects. John Carter, a former Confederate officer and gold prospector, is taken to Mars – a planet with strange humanoids races, bizarre animals and technologies, with some shape-shifting, teleportation mixed in. Adventure, conflict, and romance! Ann Ford will quickly recap our discussion last Sunday – the Theosophical ideas Burroughs used in his vision of Mars and its people. You can see some of those ideas in this movie version if you look closely. Because the film runs 2 hrs and 12 minutes, we will be ending a little later than usual.
No Library Night Dec. 16th and 23rd at TS in MD (Baltimore)
Due to scheduling conflicts after the November-December 2015 program list was distributed, there will be no Library Night on the 16th although the program listed one. We apologize for any inconvenience.
The next Library Night will be Dec. 30th – the Eve of New Year’s Eve! All are welcome to browse or chat.
Sunday, December 13, 2015, 2-4 pm: Theosophy and Edgar Rice Burroughs ………………………… Ann Ford
Edgar Rice Burroughs (ERB), author of the Tarzan series and The Land That Time Forgot, was just as famous for his John Carter of Mars science fiction/adventure novels. Is there more to these novels than Green Martians, battles, and “damsels in distress”? This talk will explore Theosophical concepts to be found in the books. Please note: In case you saw the Disney movie, John Carter – the novels are much better!! Second in our series, Theosophy, Literature and the Visual Arts.
Sunday, Nov 29, 2015, 2-4 pm: Baltimore’s Washington Monument! A Mystery in Stone ………. Leonard Jackson Jr
Library Night on Wednesday, Nov 25, has been cancelled due to holiday travel and preparations, etc.
Library Night will resume next Wednesday, December 2nd. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Sunday, Nov 22, 2015, 2-4 pm: What is Race? And Does It Matter? What Blavatsky Said……… Leonard Jackson Jr
The President of the Maryland Lodge will talk on “Race” – what it is, why does it matter – a Theosophical answer!
Sunday, Nov 15, 2015, 2-4 pm: Light on the Path, Part 1 – with Pablo Sender. DVD and Discussion
In this 4-part series, Pablo Sender explores this well-regarded Theosophical classic, written by Mabel Collins. In Part 1 he explains the purpose of the book – for those who sense there is something more to life than what we can see, touch and hear – and interprets the first “rules” to help us on the path of discipleship. Mr Sender is a very knowledgeable teacher, who has a clear, patient way of presenting ideas. The DVD is from the original webcast. It is one-hour long, to be followed by refreshments and open discussion. Text from the book will be given out so that you can take notes. Program is free and open to all.
Sunday, Nov. 8, 2015, 2-4 pm: The Heart of Theosophy -Theosophical Order of Service ….. Ann Ford
How do Theosophists and other members of the Theosophical Society express the generosity in their hearts? Express their commitment to the “universal brotherhood of humanity”? One very important way is to support the Theosophical Order of Service (TOS). It has been doing good throughout the world since 1908. Learn more about TOS and the many ways to contribute.
Sunday, Nov 1, 2015, 2-4 pm: Open Book Discussion… All Welcome!
An opportunity to share a book, article or movie you have enjoyed – on any topic that touches on the Theosophical Society’s Three Objects. After you talk a little about your selection, the floor is open to discussion. There is usually a wide range of topics covered, from religion to science to the spiritual, from biographies to science fiction. Every Book Discussion afternoon is unique because it depends on who comes, and the knowledge and experience each person is willing to contribute to the discussions. The library at the Lodge is also open for browsing. Refreshments served. (Note: Daylight Savings Time ends on 11/1)
New Program Schedule for Nov – Dec 2015 Now Available on TS-MD website!
Just click on this link to get to our homepage – TS-MD. A link to the pdf file is at the top.
Library Night on 10/28/2015 has been cancelled because of the weather.
Library Night will resume next Wednesday, November 4th. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Sunday, October 18, 2015, 2-4 pm: Theosophy and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz …… Aj Hyde
Upcoming Events at the Theosophical Society in Maryland – 10/4 – 10/18/2015
All events are free and open to the public. New visitors welcome! Sunday programs run from 2 to 4 pm, refreshments served. Donations accepted but never required. Street parking in the immediate area is free on Sundays and weekday evenings. We are located half a block from a Charles St. Circulator stop. Library Nights are from 6-8 pm.
– Sunday, October 4th: Spoonbending – Anyone Can Do It! with Carole J. Pressnall, MFA. It is not about magic or brute strength. It is about group energy, believing in yourself and in what is invisible. Mind over matter. Materials provided
– Wednesday, October 7th: Library Night with Aj Hyde. All can browse our extensive esoteric library, and engage is quiet conversation. Members have borrowing privileges. For questions, email Aj at [email protected]
– Sunday, October 11th: No program on holiday weekend
– Wednesday, October 14th: Library Night
– Sunday, October 18: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and L. Frank Baum with Aj Hyde. Did you know that Baum was a Theosophist? Have you read this fascinating short novel? Or just seen the 1939 movie? Or the stage versions? Whatever your exposure to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, come find out the “more” behind the tale. First in our new bi-monthly program series, “Theosophy in Literature and the Visual Arts”
“Subscribe” at the bottom of our website Homepage to receive new postings directly in your email account.
Sunday, October 4, 2015, 2-4 pm: Spoon Bending – Anyone Can Do It! ………………….. Carole J. Pressnall, M.F.A.
*** This is not about magic ***This is not about brute strength
*** It is about group energy*** *** Believing in yourself ***
***Having faith in what is not visible, and the powers latent in humanity***
Carole will supply heavy-duty, vintage silver-plated utensils that she test-bent ahead of time. Choose a spoon or fork that calls to you. Note its strength and hardness by doing a test bend. You may bring your own spoon or fork if you like, but test it ahead of time, making sure that it is very hard for you to bend.
She will guide us through the process of how to attune our group energy and focus it to bend the spoons. We will do multiple bends on each spoon / fork. Carole will try to take a photo of every person who wants it, immediately after he or she bends their first spoon, and then a final group portrait with all the spoons held in the air. Please keep the bent utensils and display them proudly, for all your friends and family to see. They will be irrefutable, three-dimensional proof that you created your own reality in a mind-over-matter, exhilarating group energy experience.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015, 6-8 pm: Library Night – TS in MD Library open to public for browsing
The Theosophical Society in Maryland continues hosting Library Nights every Wednesday from 6pm-8pm at our Baltimore lodge, located on Charles Street in historic Mount Vernon. This is an opportunity for the public and TS Members alike to browse the shelves of our extensive esoteric library, as well as engage in (respectfully quieted) conversation with others on the myriad of subjects it houses. Theosophical Society members can borrow 2 books for 3-weeks, and 1 DVD for a week, when they show their current membership card or certificate. (If you cannot find your card, please contact TSA headquarters in Wheaton for a replacement.)
However, all are welcomed for browsing and on-site reading. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Aj Hyde by email at [email protected]
We hope to see you there!
Sunday, September 27, 2015, 2-4 pm: The Theosophical Movement in the World Today … Leonard Jackson Jr
Lodge President, Leonard Jackson Jr, has just returned from workshops in the Wheaton IL headquarters of the Theosophical Society in America (TSA). He will share with us what he learned there of TS’s activities worldwide.
Sunday, September 20, 2015: A Mind to Embrace the Universe….. DVD lecture by Adam Warcup, Discussion After
With ideas taken from H. P. Blavatsky’s great work The Secret Doctrine this program explores the capabilities of the human mind.
During discussion afterwards, we can weigh Blavatsky’s and his ideas against what others have discovered or written, about our minds.
Adam Warcup, a life-long student of Theosophy, has focused on the teachings found in The Secret Doctrine and also carried out an in-depth study of The Mahatma Letters. He served as general secretary (president) of the Theosophical Society in England, been the scholar-in-residence at the Krotona School of Theosophy, and teaches and lectures internationally.
First Library Night is this Wednesday, Sept. 9th! 6-8 pm. Free and Open to Public
Beginning Wednesday, September 9th 2015, the Theosophical Society in Maryland will be hosting Library Nights every Wednesday from 6pm-8pm at our Baltimore lodge, located on Charles Street in historic Mount Vernon. This will be an opportunity for the public and TS Members alike to browse the shelves of our extensive esoteric library, as well as engage in (respectfully quieted) conversation with others on the myriad of subjects it houses. Theosophical Society members can borrow 2 books for 3-weeks, and 1 DVD for a week, when they show their current membership card or certificate. (If you cannot find your card, please contact TSA headquarters in Wheaton for a replacement.)
However, all are welcomed for browsing and on-site reading. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Aj Hyde by email at [email protected]
We hope to see you there!
September-October 2015 Program Schedule now available at TS-MD website
We have an interesting line-up of programs this Fall, including a new series – “Theosophy in Literature and the Visual Arts”! And the new Library Nights – our esoteric library open from 6-8 pm for browsing, and check outs for Theosophical Society members. Free and open to the public.
Library Nights at the Theosophical Society in Maryland
Beginning Wednesday, September 9th 2015, the Theosophical Society in Maryland will be hosting Library Nights every Wednesday from 6pm-8pm at our Baltimore lodge, located on Charles Street in historic Mount Vernon. This will be an opportunity for the public and TS Members alike to browse the shelves of our extensive esoteric library, as well as engage in (respectfully quieted) conversation with others on the myriad of subjects it houses. Borrowing privileges are only extended to current members of the Theosophical Society. However all are welcomed for browsing and on-site reading. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Aj Hyde by email at [email protected]
We hope to see you there!
(The lodge is one block from the Washington Monument, at 523 N Charles St, second floor. Please note: We regret that the lodge is not currently handicapped accessible.)
Sunday Afternoon Programs Resume on Sept. 13th, 2015
The Theosophical Society in Maryland will resume its Sunday afternoon programs, 2-4 pm, on 9/13/2015. Look for the September-October schedule to be posted on the website by September 5th, and mailed out to those on our mailing list. This Fall we have two new activities. One evening a week you can browse in our esoteric library, at no cost. A special thanks goes out to A J Hyde for creating this opportunity. And we are starting a new series – Theosophy in Literature and the Visual Arts. The first program in the series will be about The Wizard of Oz and its author, L. Frank Baum. The lodge President, Leonard Jackson Jr, will be giving a talk each month, usually on the last Sunday. Welcome to all!
Sunday afternoon programs resume in September 2015.
The free programs will start up again in September after maintenance items are done in the lodge. Meanwhile volunteers have resumed cataloging the lodge’s esoteric library, and are planning the Centennial celebrations for next year.
Discussions are underway to hold free once-a-week “open library” evenings for the public to browse. We will post more about these evenings when plans are final.
Watch for the September-October program schedule to be posted at the end of August. Thank you.
Sunday, June 28, 2015, 2-4 pm: “A Theosophical View of Life After Death” … Ann Ford
The program will start with the DVD by Pablo Sender with this title – a very clear explanation of the teachings of Blavatsky, the Mahatmas, Besant and others. He talks about the stages after the physical body “dies”, including the “second death” and Devachan. Sender also answers questions from the audience in his DVD. There will be ample time for open discussion at the Lodge afterwards.
Sunday, June 21, 2015, 2-4 pm: The Secret Doctrine and Quantum Mechanics … Leonard Jackson Jr.
Sunday, June 14, 2015, 2-4 pm: UFOs, Part II ………. Craig Newton
Craig will cover the story of Betty and Barney Hill’s abduction, the Billy Meier photographs, and the landing in Africa in the Ariel Schoolyard. Just as in Part I, Craig is open to questions and sharing experiences. Lively discussion follows!
Sunday, June 7, 2015, 2-4 pm: Book/Library Afternoon ……… Ann Ford, moderator
This is an opportunity to share a book, article or movie you have enjoyed and that is related to any of the Theosophical Society’s Three Objects. After you have described your selection, the floor is open to discussion. There is usually a wide range of topics covered. Every Book/Library Afternoon is unique because it depends on who comes, and the knowledge and experience each person is willing to contribute to the discussions. The library at the Lodge is also open for browsing. Refreshments served. Since the Lodge will sponsor no programs during July and August, the next Book/Library Afternoon will be in September.
Sunday, May 31, 2015, 2-4 pm: Readings from Lost Libraries Around the World …….. Kimberly Sheridan
This talk is subtitled “Fragments from Missing Books”. It will cover the Library of Alexandria, the Library at Nala (India), libraries of the Shang and Chou Dynasties, and repositories of Mayan literature. There are only four original Mayan books left in existence! Kimberly will also discuss writings we do have but cannot read.
Sunday, May 24, 2015, 2-4 pm: Nicholas Roerich – “Messenger of Beauty” …… Leonard Jackson, Jr
Leonard will present a film on this Russian mystic, Theosophist and artist, and lead a discussion afterwards. For more information on Roerich himself, see the TS Wiki site. For examples of his paintings, click here.
Sunday, May 17, 2015, 2-4 pm: “The Four Paths to Spiritual Freedom” and “A Review of Patanjali Yoga Sutras”…L. Jackson Jr.
Leonard describes his talk this way:
"A discussion on the major paths of YOGA. The discussion will focus on applying these methods to our journey through life without constraints. How to apply these teachings without a in-depth knowledge of Eastern Religious texts will be discussed in away to fit the daily life style of Western culture. 'All humanity could share a common insanity and be immersed in a common illusion while living in a common chaos. This cannot be disproved.' ASIMOV"
Sunday, May 10, 2015, 2-4 pm: UFOs – Past, Present and Future, Part I ……………………………… Craig Newton
Craig describes himself this way: “I was born in Baltimore, educated in the public schools here and graduated from Morgan State University. I’ve been interested in aliens since I was a child, and spent the last five years seriously researching the field. I’m also interested in metaphysics, clairvoyance and dreams. In India, I studied under a master. I’m a member of MUFON (the Mutual UFO Network) and the Theosophical Society. Currently, I’m trying to get to the UN and see what we’re going to do when the aliens do arrive here on Planet Earth.”
Sunday, May 3, 2015, 2-4 pm: Kick-off meeting to plan Centennial events for TS in Maryland
This coming year, beginning April 30, 2016, will mark the Centennial of the Theosophical Society in Maryland. We hope to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the signing of our charter with an expanded program agenda and extra events that highlight this wonderful occasion and show our support for the three Objectives of the Society.
We welcome members and non-members to this initial planning meeting. We need the talents and abilities of many people to make this coming year a reality. If you are unable to come to this meeting, would you leave a message with your contact information, and someone will contact you with more specific details as our planning process develops.
Information may be left:
– on our voice mail at the Lodge, 410-727-3471
– in an email to [email protected], or
– to speak to directly with Leonard Jackson Jr, President of the Lodge, call 410-878-6456
A little of your time would be an invaluable contribution to this worthwhile endeavor.
Sunday, April 26, 2015, 2-4 pm: HANDS ON HEALING …………………………………….. Carole Pressnall, M.F.A.
Carole describes her program this way:
I learned hands on healing from a lovely spiritual healer, who trained with her Puerto Rican mother. I worked within a small group of people who studied once a week for well over a year. We meditated, practiced on each other in pairs, and occasionally focused group energy when illness had been diagnosed. We also worked individually with long distance healing and in a cohesive group when needed.
Since everyone is able to learn these simple methods, the technique can be freely shared with others. I personally guarantee that most minor pains and problems will abate within 3 to 4 minutes of starting hands on healing techniques. [minor cuts and burns, scrapes, splinters, stubbed toes, sore muscles, headaches, stomachache, ear ringing – etc.]
No special beliefs or faith is needed – just a desire to heal oneself.
Wikipedia: The Brockhampton Guide to Spiritual Healing describes contact healing in terms of a “transfer of healing energy,” and distant healing based on visualizing the patient in perfect health.
Sunday, April 19, 2015, 2-4 pm: TS at the Movies – The Prestige (2006) with Leonard Jackson II
There are three parts to a magic trick, like a disappearing bird trick. Part one is the pledge, where the magician shows you something ordinary, like a bird. Part two is the turn, where he does something extraordinary, like make the bird disappear. Part three, and there always has to be a part three, is the prestige, where you have a twist, and bring the bird back. Only then will the audience applaud. This movie is a complex story of the rivalry between two magicians, how it effects the people who love them, of Nikola Tesla and “The Transported Man”. For more on this movie, see IMDb
Sunday, April 12, 2015, 2-4 pm: Theosophy – Then and Now ………… Leonard Jackson II
A look at the Theosophical Society from its beginning to the present day. Film and discussion, led by the president of the Maryland lodge.
Sunday, January 18, 2015, 2-4 pm: Wunderwaffe – Germany’s WW II special weapons program… Leonard Jackson III
Program given by the President of the Lodge
Sunday, January 11, 2015, 2-4 pm: The Theosophical Movement in India …Jaya Indus, PhD
and at Adyar, the international headquarters of the Theosophical Society.
Million Gun Victims March – Art Exhibit, January 7-24, by Kimberly Sheridan
“Million Gun Victims March”, consciousness-raising through art, an exhibit of paintings by Kimberly Sheridan, will be at Wayman Memorial AME Church, 1305 Washington Blvd, Baltimore 21230 from January 7th through 24th. The exhibit is open, with the artist, Wed-Sat, 10 am – 4 pm. Other hours by appointment with Ms Sheridan (443-882-9734). Admission is free. Exhibit t-shirts will be available. For more information on Ms Sheridan’s art and the purpose of this exhibit, see the recent City Paper article.
Sunday, January 4, 2015, 2-4 pm: Library and Discussion Afternoon….Ann Ford
Join us for wide-ranging open discussions on books, articles or movies enjoyed by those who attend. Every time there is a different mix of topics, depending on who comes and what they bring. Topics range from psychology, religion, philosophy, science, the arts, to biographies, myths, and the early beginnings of mankind. Come to give a short summary of your favorite book/article/movie, or just to listen and contribute to the discussion. The TS Library, with its large selection of esoteric books, is also available for browsing. This is the regular program on the first Sunday of a month. All programs are free and open to the public.
Sunday, December 28, 2014, 2-4 pm: Reality According to the Sages ….David Keltz
A look at what reality is and how being in touch with it can improve the quality of your life, according to Lao Tzu, Nathaniel Brandon, Robert J. Ringer, Stuart Wilde, Charlotte Joko Beck and others.
Sunday, December 21, 2014, 2-4 pm: Mystery of the Gods by William Shatner, shown by Leonard Jackson
This is a “TS at the Movies” program – Captain Kirk, rare video from 80’s, UFOs, aliens and other great stuff!
Sunday, December 14, 2014, 1:45-4 pm: Concert of Renaissance Christmas Music at the Walters (free admission)
Please note the earlier time and different location for this Sunday’s program! Join us at the Walters Museum, half a block from the TS Lodge. Meet Ann Ford at the museum’s cafe inside the modern Centre Street entrance at 1:45 pm. We will then go together to the Sculpture Court for “A Renaissance Christmas: Music of Flanders and Italy circa 1500” presented by the Folger Consort, an early music ensemble of musicians and singers from the Folger Shakespeare Library in DC. The concert is 2 to 3:30 pm. Admission to the museum and concert are both free. Learn more about the Folger Consort
Sunday, December 7, 2014, 2-4 pm: Library and Discussion Afternoon
Join us for wide-ranging open discussions on books, articles or movies enjoyed by those who attend. Every time there is a different mix of topics, depending on who comes and what they bring. Topics range from psychology, religion, philosophy, science, the arts, to biographies, myths, and the early beginnings of mankind. Come to give a short summary of your favorite book/article/movie, or just to listen and contribute to the discussion. The TS Library, with its large selection of esoteric books, is also available for browsing. This is the regular program on the first Sunday of a month. All programs are free and open to the public.
** Correction ** The Power of Dreams program with Brian Fitzek is today, Nov. 30th at 2-4 pm. See Schedule
Brian describes this program: “Together through discussion, lecture and workshop we will explore the power of dreams – how to use dreams for creativity, healing and spiritual development. The program concludes with a dream journal workshop. ” All materials provided at no cost.
** Correction ** The Power of Dreams program with Brian Fitzek is November 30, 2014, 2-4 pm
Sunday, November 23, 2014, 2-4 pm – The Power of Dreams……Brian Fitzek
Brian describes this program: “Together through discussion, lecture and workshop we will explore the power of dreams – how to use dreams for creativity, healing and spiritual development. The program concludes with a dream journal workshop. ” All materials provided at no cost.
Sunday, November 23, 2014, 2-4 pm: What it Means to be a Theosophist …. Ann Ford
This discussion will start off with two short DVDs from the Theosophical Society in America, supplemented with writings by noted theosophical writers (Madame Blavatsky, Geoffrey Hodson, and others), and personal thoughts by members of the Maryland lodge. As George Arundale said: “People have very erroneous conceptions as to what it is that characterizes a member of the Theosophical Society…” This program will try to correct at least some of those misconceptions.
Sunday, November 16, 2014, 2-4 pm- Baltimore’s Washington Monument: A Masonic Secret…Leonard Jackson
Hear Leonard Jackson, President of the Lodge, unlock the esoteric symbolism found in the monument, just a block away from the Lodge, and recently restored.
November and December 2014 Schedule
View the November and December 2014 Schedule (PDF)
Sunday, Nov. 9, 2014 – Today’s program is cancelled. Will be rescheduled.
“Latent Powers: The Concept of Time” is cancelled for November 9th because there is no heat in the building. It will be rescheduled. We are sorry for any inconvenience.
Sunday, November 9, 2014, 2-4 pm – Latent Powers: The Concept of Time….Mary Brandes
Mary continues her series from the Theosophical Society’s third declared object: “To investigate unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in humanity.”
Sunday, November 2, 2014, 2-4 pm – Book Discussion and Library Afternoon
This is the regular program for the 1st Sunday of each month at the Lodge. New and old visitors are invited to join us for wide-ranging open discussions on books and articles enjoyed by those who attend. Every time there is a different mix of topics, ranging from psychology, religion, philosophy, science, the arts, to biographies, myths, and the early beginnings of mankind. Come to give a short summary of a favorite book, or just to listen and contribute to the discussion. The TS Library, with its large selection of esoteric books, is also available for browsing. All programs are free and open to the public.
Sunday, October 26, 2014, 2-4 pm – Searching for a Mission in Life…….Kim Sheridan
How a restless outsider discovers she could be the right oddball for a mission of a lifetime!
Sunday, October 19, 2014, 2-4 pm – Special TS Speaker for: Our Thoughts Are Real Things
Guest speaker, Brant Jackson, will talk on OUR THOUGHTS ARE REAL THINGS: How Our Thoughts Actually Work in the World. A lot of people talk about the power of thought, but very few actually know the esoteric principles that make our thoughts real influences in our lives and the lives of others. Come and find out why it is vital to understand this powerful force.
Doors open at 1:30 pm so that the lecture can start at 2 pm promptly. Free and open to the public. There will be light refreshments after the talk and Q&A.
Mr Jackson has been a National Lecturer for the Theosophical Society in America since 1999. He has a wide range of interests and his lectures have evolved to reflect this as well. In particular, he has maintained a strong interest in early Christian history, and the Mysteries, using scholarly sources to show the connection between Theosophy and primitive Christianity. Brant also lectures on the connections between Theosophy and modern science, and some of his talks highlight the parallels between recent developments in science, astronomy, and quantum physics, The Secret Doctrine’s teaching of a conscious universe, and the Hierarchy of the Masters and Devas which oversee it. He is a practicing litigation attorney in Atlanta, Georgia.
Sunday, October 12, 2014, 2-4 pm – “Cracking the Gnostic Code”, DVD and discussion
This is an interesting, well-illustrated introduction to Gnosticism, especially the form that developed in the first to third centuries AD, but that still influences thoughts up through today. The talk is by John Algeo, a noted National Theosophical Society lecturer. He explains Gnostic symbols and myths, and compares Gnosticism to Hinduism, Christianity and Theosophy. He defines sige, pleroma, hysterema and other Gnostic concepts. Echoes from the Gnosis by G. R. S. Mead is the basis for this talk. Where else would you hear Mary Poppins, Joseph Campbell and Madame Blavatsky mentioned in the same lecture?
Sunday, October 5, 2014, 2-4 pm – Book Discussion and Library Afternoon …Ann Ford moderating
The regular program for the 1st Sunday of the month at the Lodge returns in October. Join us for wide-ranging open discussions on books and articles enjoyed by those who attend. Every time there is a different mix of topics, ranging from psychology, religion, philosophy, science, the arts, to biographies, myths, and the early beginnings of mankind. Come to give a short summary of a favorite book of yours, or just to listen and contribute to the discussion. The TS Library, with its large selection of esoteric books, is also available for browsing. All programs are free and open to the public.
September 28, 2014 program cancelled. Will be rescheduled.
Leonard Jackson II, our speaker for “The Key to Theosophy by Helena P. Blavatsky”, is unable to attend tomorrow because of circumstances beyond his control. We will reschedule his talk. We are sorry for any inconvenience.
The Lodge will be open next Sunday, October 5th, for Book Discussion and Library Afternoon, 2-4 pm.
Sunday, October 24, 2014, 2-4 pm – The Key to Theosophy [by Helena P. Blavatsky]…Leonard Jackson II
Len, Lodge President, will present a program on this crucial book, from one of the co-founders of the Theosophical Society. Written in 1889, The Key to Theosophy presents in the form of questions and answers a succinct outline of the basic teachings of Theosophy on the human constitution, spiritual and psychological; the nature of reincarnation and the operation of karma; the after-death states of the human principles, as well as Theosophical views concerning free will, education, marriage, prayer, Masters of Wisdom, the nature of the Theosophical Society and the application of Theosophy to one’s life.
Sunday, September 14, 2014, 2-4 pm: Eastern and Western Views on Depression with Ann Ford
A talk and discussion that compares different approaches to this serious psychological condition, approaches based on different views of human nature, of the mind-body-spirit complex. This talk is an outgrowth of the DVD series This Emotional Life, which for the most part highlighted research and treatments based on the Western view.
September 2014 Schedule: 2nd and 4th Sundays only.
Regular weekly programs resume in October.
Sunday, August 24, 2014, 2-4 pm: Forms of Islam – Diversity among Muslims… Leonard Jackson II
A DVD and talk, based in the on-going series “Cultural Literacy for Religion”.
Sunday, August 10, 2014, 2-4 pm: This Emotional Life – Finding Happiness …. Ann Ford
Last part of our viewing and discussing this PBS series, subtitled “In Search of Ourselves … and Happiness”, host – Dr Daniel Gilbert, a Harvard psychologist. The topics in this part include: fellowship, forgiveness, “positive psychology”, meditation, and can we transfer happiness? Gilbert explains various theories using interviews with scientists studying our brain and social interactions, as well as interviews with individuals who share their feelings and personal experiences. Will include updates to the topics.
Sunday, July 27, 2014, 2-4 pm – Latent Powers II: Explore these powers for yourself in our workshop…Mary Brandes
Mary Brandes will include ideas and experiments from, among other sources, a recent book by physicist Russell Targ, The Reality of ESP. One of the three objects of the Theosophical Society is “to investigate unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in humanity.” It is not necessary to have attended Mary’s previous programs.
Schedule Change for July and August, 2014 – Programs only on 2nd and 4th Sundays, 2-4 pm
The full July-August schedule will be available on this website before July 13th, the second Sunday. The program that day will another in the series, This Emotional Life – Seeking Happiness. We will have an open discussion after viewing the DVD that interweaves personal accounts with psychological research. Ann Ford brings updates to the research.
Sunday, June 29, 2014, 2-4 pm: Islam – Its Beginning and Impact on the 21st Century… Leonard Jackson II
This is the second program in a series on Cultural Literacy for Religion.
Sunday, June 22, 2014, 2-4 pm – Exploring Latent Powers- Theory and Practice: Telepathy, Remote Viewing
Mary Brandes will include ideas and experiments from, among other sources, a recent book by physicist Russell Targ, The Reality of ESP. One of the three objects of the Theosophical Society is “to investigate unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in humanity.” It is not necessary to have attended Mary’s talk on March 30th.
Sunday, June 15, 2014, 2-4 pm – TS at the Movies: Angel on My Shoulder (1946)
The Devil arranges for a deceased gangster to return to Earth as a well-respected judge to make up for his previous life. Starring Paul Muni, Claude Rains and Anne Baxter. See
Sunday, June 8, 2014, 2-4 pm – This Emotional Life, Part IV: Depression
Ann Ford presents and updates the DVD series, This Emotional Life: In Search of Ourselves… and Happiness. Lively discussions follow, where those attending add their own opinions and personal experiences. Each program in this series will include a recap of previous material covered.The series explains why our social relationships are so critical to our well-being, and how we can best maintain and nurture them. We will also look at what Theosophy says about our emotional nature. This 2010 PBS series, hosted by Harvard psychologist Daniel Gilbert, includes both scientific research and the experiences of real people.
Sunday, May 25th, 2014, 2-4 pm – Cultural Literacy for Religion: Introduction…Leonard Jackson
This is the first session in a course from The Teaching Company. The course is designed to teach you the basics of world religions – their origins, historical figures, rituals, scriptures, holidays, and key teachings – the things we need to know in order to consider ourselves religiously literate. The course consists of 24 lectures. The first two will lay the foundation for this in-depth look into religion.
Sunday, May 18, 2014, 2-4 pm – Book and Library Afternoon with Ann Ford
** Note new starting time ** For this month only, the regular program for the first Sunday of each month, has been moved to May 18th. Join us for wide-ranging open discussions on the world, religions, science, the arts and human nature, based on books and articles enjoyed by those who attend. The TS Library, with its large selection of esoteric books, will be available for browsing. All programs are free and open to the public.
Sunday, May 11, 2014, ** 2-4 pm **- This Emotional Life, Part III…..with Ann Ford
Part III gives insights into anger, fear, panic attacks and PTSD. Ann presents and updates the DVD series, This Emotional Life: In Search of Ourselves… and Happiness. There is lively discussion afterwards, where those attending can add their opinions and personal experiences. Each program in this series will include a recap of previous material covered.The series explains why our social relationships are so critical to our well-being, and how we can best maintain and nurture them. We will also look at what Theosophy says about our emotional nature. This 2010 PBS series, hosted by Harvard psychologist Daniel Gilbert, includes both scientific research and the experiences of real people.
*** May 4th Talk to be Rescheduled ***
Because the speaker, Terri Diener, has laryngitis, this talk will be rescheduled to a later date. We are sorry for any inconvenience.
Sunday, May 4, 2014, 2-4 pm – Communicating with Animals … by Terri Diener
Sunday, April 27, 2014, 2:45 – 5 pm: Cosmic Consciousness, the Bovis Scale, and the Rose … Dr Frankie Hutton
This is the 2014 Rose Project Lecture, given annually by Dr Frankie Hutton, author of Rose Lore: Essays in Cultural History and Semiotics. Baltimore musicians Ryan Dunne and Catherine Yard will also play traditional Irish “rose” music. Please arrive promptly at 2:45 pm; the lecture starts at 3 pm. RSVP to 410-327-2266 and leave a voice message with your name and contact number.
Sunday, April 20, 2014, 3-5 pm – TS at the Movies: Men of Honor with David Keltz
This 2000 movie, based on a true story, “ultimately revolves around two ‘men of honor’; their relationship, their individual and joint failures and triumphs. Carl Brashear is determined to be the first African American Navy diver in a time where racism is rife. Leslie Sunday is his embittered trainer, determined to see him fail. Fate, challenges and circumstances eventually draw these two men together in a tale of turbulence and ultimately triumph.” (quoted from Carl is played by Cuba Gooding Jr.; Sunday by Robert De Niro.
Sunday, April 13, 2014, 3-4:30 pm – The Emotional Life, Part II with Ann Ford
Ann presents and updates the DVD series, This Emotional Life: In Search of Ourselves… and Happiness. There is lively discussion afterwards, where those attending can add their opinions and personal experiences. Part II covers conflict in our lives – between friends, classmates, co-workers, lovers and married couples. Each program in this series will include a recap of previous material covered.The series explains why our social relationships are so critical to our well-being, and how we can best maintain and nurture them. We will also look at what Theosophy say about our nature and happiness. This 2010 PBS series, hosted by Harvard psychologist Daniel Gilbert, includes both scientific research and the experiences of real people.
Sunday, March 30, 2014, 3-5 pm: The Reality of ESP, a new book by Russell Targ …Mary Brandes
Mary will review the book, and after a group discussion, will lead those present in experiments for novices that Targ suggests in his book. The Reality of ESP: A Physicist’s Proof of Psychic Abilities is based on two decades of investigations by renowned physicist Russell Targ at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) which he co-founded with Harold Puthoff in 1972. He describes government research projects in psi phenomena that he was involved in, and gives many first-person descriptions. There are four types of experiments: remote viewing, distant mental influence, whole field isolation, and precognition and retrocausality. A reviewer has said that in The Reality of ESP, Targ “has demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that the mind can function without limitation in space and time, and that this ability is widespread, teachable, and practical.” (Larry Dossey, quoted at Quest Books website)
Sunday, March 23, 2014, ** 2:30-3:45 pm: The Hebrew Alphabet and Its Meaning with Mark Hart
Mr Hart will explain the Hebrew alphabet – 22 letters, all consonants, giving the pronunciation of each letter and the numerical value in the Jewish system called gematria. He will also cover the cursive versions of the letters, final forms, vowel points, and the use of the Hebrew alphabet in Yiddish. ** Please note the temporary change to the starting time. **
Sunday, March 16, 2014 – No Program due to St Patrick’s Day Parade
Because of the street closings and parking problems associated with the parade, there will be no program at the Lodge. Watch for a posting soon about the March 23rd program on the Hebrew alphabet with Mark Hart.
Sunday, March 9, 2014, 3-4:30 pm – This Emotional Life, Part 1 with Ann Ford
Ann presents and updates the DVD series, This Emotional Life: In Search of Ourselves… and Happiness. Parts 1 and 2 explain why our social relationships are so critical to our well-being, and how we can best maintain and nurture them. We will also look at what Theosophy say about our nature and happiness. This 2010 PBS series, hosted by Harvard psychologist Daniel Gilbert, includes both scientific research and the experiences of real people. Each program in this series will include a recap of previous material covered.
Sunday, March 2, 2014, 3-4:30 pm – Book and Library Sunday with Ann Ford
** Note new starting time ** This is the regular program on the first Sunday of each month. Join us for wide-ranging discussions on the world, religions, science, the arts and human nature, based on books and articles enjoyed by those who attend. The TS Library, with its large selection of esoteric books, will be available for browsing. All programs are free and open to the public.
Sunday, Feb. 23, 2014, 2-4 pm – Darshan, a DVD about Amma
Ann Ford will introduce and update this documentary (Darshan, The Embrace – 2005) about Amma, one of India’s most celebrated Mahatmas (spiritual guides), also known as “the hugging saint”. The film follows Amma as she travels throughout India, from Jaipur to Calcutta, showing how she has changed the lives of thousands.
Sunday, February 16, 2014, 3-5 pm – TS at the Movies: Anna Karenina (2012) with David Keltz
Tolstoy’s classic story of two narcissists, with an introduction by David Keltz. *** Please note time change for this Sunday only ***
Jan – February Schedule
Sunday, February 2, 2014, 2-4 pm – Book/Library Discussion Afternoon with Ann Ford
The regular 1st Sunday of the month program, Book/Library Discussion Afternoon is an opportunity to share concepts about human nature, religion, science, etc. from books, articles, movies and other sources that you have read. The discussions are far-ranging. They vary with who comes to the Lodge on a given afternoon – what knowledge and experiences they bring with them. All opinions are respected. Resources in the library are used to supplement the discussions. The library is also open for browsing.
Sunday, January 12, 2014, 2-4 pm – Donning the Tefillin: A Jewish Ritual with Mark Hart
Mark will explain the meaning of this ritual and its Scriptural source. Tefillin (also known as phylacteries) are worn by men in traditional synagogues for the morning worship except on Shabbat and Jewish holy days. The tefillin are leather straps holding small leather boxes in which are slips of parchment with passages from the Torah written on them. One box is worn on an arm, and the other on the forehead. (see online reference: Rescheduled from December 8th, 2013
Sunday, January 5, 2014: Book and Library Sunday with Ann Ford
The TS Library, with its large selection of esoteric books, will be available for browsing. Also this is an opportunity to share books or articles you have enjoyed, that open perspectives on the world, religions, science, the arts and human nature. All programs open to non-members.
Sunday, December 29, 2013, 2-4 pm: The Ancient Comedy Hour with Kim Sheridan
Kim gives us a look at pre-Ancient Greek humor in the worlds of Egypt and Sumer, and Eastern humor from India and China. What would send a pharaoh into stitches? Aristophanes didn’t invent laughter. How universal was humor in the dawn of civilization?
** Because of predicted bad weather, the December 8th program has been cancelled
Mark Hart will give his talk about the Jewish ritual of donning the tefillin on Sunday, January 13, 2014, 2-4 pm.
Sunday, December 8, 2013, 2-4 pm – Donning the Tefillin: A Jewish Ritual with Mark Hart
Mark will explain the meaning of this ritual and its Scriptural source. Tefillin (also known as phylacteries) are worn by men in traditional synagogues for the morning worship except on Shabbat and Jewish holy days. The tefillin are leather straps holding small leather boxes in which are slips of parchment with passages from the Torah written on them. One box is worn on an arm, and the other on the forehead. (see online reference:
Sunday, November 24, 2013, 2-4 PM – Getting Your Soul Right by Bill Jump, MS; author of Beyond the Violation of the Self
Bill Jump, author and speaker, will explain the concepts in his next book. His collaboration with Cheryl Garrett, her Spiritual Guide and the guides of hundreds of other clients during trance work, has given Bill a perspective that combines psychological healing and spiritual growth, with knowledge and wisdom important to the earth’s current transformation. As Cheryl’s Spiritual Guide says, “You’re not going to be happy if you don’t have your Soul right. The soul can’t be right if blocked off traumas are allowed to surface and triggers are allowed to play a role in creating bad life choices.” Bill Jump’s website
Sunday, October 27, 2013, 3-4:30 pm – Spooky Chills and Hot Spiced Cider
Bring your story of ghosts or the paranormal to share in our discussion. All programs are open to non-members.
Sunday, October 20, 2013 – TS at the Movies: Groundhog Day (1993)
Come enjoy this classic comedy and fantasy. What does it say about karma and transformation? Discussion led by Ann Ford. See more about it on IMdb
Sunday, October 13, 2013 – Developing Spiritual Wisdom, Part 2 – Preparing the Ground
Second in a multi-part DVD series by Pablo D. Sender. Recap of Part 1 and discussion afterward led by Ann Ford. Mr. Sender gathers ideas from many spiritual traditions, especially from the Reflections on an Ageless Wisdom: A Commentary on The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett, by Joy Mills (2010)
Sunday, October 6, 2013 – 3 to 4:30 pm: Desire and Inner Selfishness
Edward Abdill, noted author, speaker and Vice-President of the Theosophical Society in America, is visiting Baltimore to give this talk, after two appearances at the Washington DC Lodge. A description of his program: “In The Voice of The Silence we are told to kill out desire. Yet surely it must have some purpose. If we look closely at the obvious and subtle forms of desire, we may discover both its purpose and the dangers that are a threat to our own Inner Self. We may also discover how the most subtle form of desire, inner selfishness, can harm the work of the Theosophical Society. By examining the nature of desire we may learn to use it rightly.”
Mr Abdill is author of the book The Secret Gateway: Modern Theosophy and the Ancient Wisdom Tradition, described as “the perfect guiding tool for all those on the quest to self-discovery and self-transformation.” This book and his 11 DVDs on various subjects are available through Quest Publishing.
Sunday, September 29, 2013 – LODGE CLOSED because of Baltimore Book Festival
The Baltimore Book Festival is centered on Mount Vernon Place, half a block from our Lodge. Parking will be limited. But come to the Book Festival and enjoy all there is to experience – tours, “meet the author” sessions, cooking demonstrations, music, food and of course – new and used books for sale!
** Friday, September 27, 2013 – 6 to 7pm ** A Question & Answer Session with Edgar Allan Poe. Performed by David Keltz
Sunday, September 22, 2013 – Developing Spiritual Wisdom, Part I – The Need for Wisdom
First in a multi-part DVD series by Pablo D. Sender. Discussion afterward led by Ann Ford. Mr. Sender gathers ideas from many spiritual traditions, especially from the Reflections on an Ageless Wisdom: A Commentary on The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett, by Joy Mills (2010)
Sunday, September 15, 2013 – 3 pm- “Poetry Emotion”
Your Hostess will be
Carolyn Brown, Singer & Poetess, and Friends:
Ms. Karen Elliott and Mr. Hugh Taft-Morales, will be sharing their songwriting and poetry.
Ms. Mama Dot and Ms. Mama Dee, Nyame Nti Cultural Healing Arts Therapy – “Why I Drum”. They will share their creativity with the drums and dance. Their website is
Please note there is no program at the Lodge Sunday, Sept. 1, 2013 due to MTA/road closures for the Baltimore Gran Prix.
Sunday August 18th – Theosophy at the Movies
The Lives of Others
– The film is at once a political thriller and a human drama of transformation. See more about this film at
3 – 4:45 PM at the Lodge.
Herbal Remedies for Stress Reduction
Program for Sunday, July 14th, 3 pm – 4:30 pm: Honoring the Divinities of African Traditional IFA Worship (Part 3).
Please note new times.
Theosophy at the Movies: Arabian Nights
June 16th, 2013
2 – 4 PM
Baltimore Lodge
View the Baltimore Theosophical Society Schedule for March and April 2013 (PDF)
January 13, 2013 – Kitchen Medicine
Olivia Fite, M.S. Herbalist
* Friday January 18, 2013 – Poe’s Life and Death in Baltimore: A Discussion with David Keltz
Edgar Allan Poe will be 204 years old in 2013. Join David Keltz for an in-depth discussion of Poe’s life and death in Baltimore on Friday, January 18, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at The Theosophical Society in Maryland, 523 N. Charles Street, in Baltimore. This event is free to all Poe fans. Light refreshments will be served.
David Keltz performs year-round in character and costume as Edgar Allan Poe. Beginning with his first performance as Poe in 1991, Keltz continues adding to a repertoire of more than five hours of Poe’s works. Come with questions and get the answers.
See for more information.
Buy tickets online
January 20, 2013 – Magical Egypt by John Anthony West
Part 7 of 8: Illumination
from both architectural and spiritual viewpoints, exemplified at Abu Simbel.
DVD and discussion.
January 27, 2013 – What is the Theosophical Society?
Presented by Leonard Jackson
February 3, 2013 – Library Afternoon
TS Library available for browsing. An opportunity to share about books or articles you have enjoyed. Learn about recent acquisitions, suggest new additions, and even help the librarians working on our new computerized catalog. Refreshments.
February 10, 2013 Magical Egypt by John Anthony West
Part 8, Cosmology: the Dogon, creation myths, hidden meanings.
DVD and Discussion
February 17, 2013 – Board Meeting
2/17/2013 Theosophy at the Movies: “Lost Horizon”
Presented by Leonard Jackson
2/24/2013 to be announced
Download the December 2012 Schedule as PDF
12/02/2012 A Celebration of Roses and Rumi
Sponsored by the Theosophical Society in Maryland and The Rose Project. Pre-Holiday reception to follow. RSVP to 7332-291-4747 or 410-821-9821 …….Dr. Frankie Hutton
12/09/2012 – 2012 or Why the World Isn’t Ending Just Yet.
DVD by Jim Kenney. Discussion led by Ann Ford
12/16/2012 Study Group on Theosophy, Chapter 12: The Ancient Wisdom in Daily Life.
(End of Series) Reading materials provided free…………….Ann Ford
12/23/2012 * Board Meeting at 1 pm
12/23/2012 – December 21, 2012 Has Passed. What’s Next?
………………………………..Leonard Jackson II
12/30/2012 Magical Egypt by John Anthony West: Part 5- Navigating the Afterlife: What to do in the Duat.
DVD and Discussion (rescheduled) ………Mary Brandes
Download the October – November 2012 schedule as PDF
10/07/12 Library Afternoon
TS Library available for browsing. An opportunity to share about books or articles you have enjoyed. Learn about recent acquisitions, suggest new additions, and even help the librarians working on our new computerized catalog. Refreshments.
10/12/2012 David Keltz as Edgar Allan Poe
The Theosophical Society in Maryland
Baltimore, Maryland
Friday, October 12 at 8:00 p.m.
For tickets, visit
For more information about David please visit his website:
10/14/12 The Jewish Festivals: The Joyous Feast of Tabernacles
………….….. Mark Hart
10/21/12 Study Group on Theosophy
Chapter 11, Part 2-Mu, Atlantis and the Current Stage of Humanity .
Reading materials provided free …………………… Ann Ford
10/28/12 Magical Egypt by John Anthony West: Part 5 – Navigating the Afterlife: What to do in the Duat
DVD and discussion ……………………………..…… Mary Brandes
11/04/12 Library Afternoon
TS Library available for browsing. An opportunity to share about books or articles you have enjoyed. Learn about recent acquisitions, suggest new additions, and even help the librarians working on our new computerized catalog. Refreshments.
11/11/12 from 3-5 pm Edgar Allan Poe: Questions and Answers
David Keltz
11/18/12 Study Group on Theosophy, Chapter 11, Part 3 – Future Stages of Humanity
Reading materials provided free ………………………………………… Ann Ford
11/25/12 Magical Egypt by John Anthony West: Part 6-Legacy:Tomb of Seti I, the cradle of magic, materia prima.
DVD and discussion ……………….……. Mary Brandes
A Poe Birthday Celebration Performance with David Keltz

David Keltz as Edgar Allan Poe
A Poe Birthday Celebration Performance with David Keltz was held at the Lodge on Friday January 20: 8 pm and again on Saturday January 21: 2 pm & 8 pm.
Read a review of the event on Tom Warner’s blog