We at the Maryland TS are very grateful to Aj Hyde. He is the person who advocated for a Library Night, and has dedicated his time and talents since September 2015, to make Library Night the special experience it has become to all who stop by. This in addition to many other invaluable contributions he made to our lodge, including those for our Centennial celebrations. Aj is stepping down for a while, to pursue other projects. We wish him all the best.
Julian and Racquel have stepped up to continue Library Nights, starting Wednesday, August 17th, from 6-8 pm as usual. You will meet one of them when you come. Please welcome our new facilitators!
As always, Library Night is free and open to all. Enjoy lively conversation on various topics, or browse the books in our esoteric collection. TS members can borrow books and DVDs. Non-members can read books at the lodge. Please check our website or Facebook page before you come. Unavoidable cancellations will be posted.