Sunday, February 2, 2014, 2-4 pm – Book/Library Discussion Afternoon with Ann Ford

The regular 1st Sunday of the month program, Book/Library Discussion Afternoon is an opportunity to share concepts about human nature, religion, science, etc. from books, articles, movies and other sources that you have read. The discussions are far-ranging. They vary with who comes to the Lodge on a given afternoon – what knowledge and experiences they bring with them. All opinions are respected. Resources in the library are used to supplement the discussions. The library is also open for browsing.

Sunday, January 12, 2014, 2-4 pm – Donning the Tefillin: A Jewish Ritual with Mark Hart

Mark will explain the meaning of this ritual and its Scriptural source. Tefillin (also known as phylacteries) are worn by men in traditional synagogues for the morning worship except on Shabbat and Jewish holy days. The tefillin are leather straps holding small leather boxes in which are slips of parchment with passages from the Torah written on them. One box is worn on an arm, and the other on the forehead. (see online reference: Rescheduled from December 8th, 2013